Creative parenting green activities to try together
Want to be a green household? Take time out from your daily routine and try these activities to bond as a family unit and create evergreen memories. Go for a walk in the garden or in your neighbourhood to find a tree you like. Let your child name the tree as you would name a pet, and adopt this tree. Observe it every day. Find out if it needs water and/ or fertiliser. Study the birds and squirrels housed in the tree. Discover their scientific names and gather other info. You’ll grow to love it. Choose some indoor plants for your child. Plants give out oxygen and are good for brain development. They also teach children nurturance, care and responsibility. With a magnifying glass, go to a garden and find insects and discuss their physical and other characteristics. Insects have unique, fascinating lifestyles that you can discover by reading about them on the internet. Go on a leaf hunt to discover the various shapes and colours of leaves. Encourage children to draw them in their scrapbooks. Help children collect pebbles and paint animal shapes on them. Make a collection of pebble animals. Also read: Five plants to purify indoor air Facebook Twitter LinkedIn WhatsApp