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Damaging omission

EducationWorld October 15 | EducationWorld

We appreciate your initiative to publish objective and unbiased school rankings together with schools™ actual class XII exam averages (EW September).
However, the CBSE class XII five-subjects average of Bal Bharati Public School, Dwarka (84.83 percent) has not been published in the rankings league table. Please refer to our email dated August 24 wherein we communicated the school™s average score. The omission on your part has damaged the reputation of our school.
We hope such omissions will be avoided in future to restore our faith in the credentials of your prestigious magazine.
Suruchi Gandhi
Principal, Bal Bharati Public School, Dwarka, New Delhi
We apologise for the omission ” Editor
Misclassification complaint
I write to you in connection with the EW India School Rankings 2015 (EW September). Jayshree Periwal International School (JPIS) has been ranked #2 in Rajasthan under the co-ed day schools category. However, in the questionnaire submitted to you, we have emphasised that JPIS is an international day-cum-boarding school offering the IGCSE (UK) and IB diploma (Geneva) programmes.
I will appreciate your correcting this error and classifying us as an international school.
Aakriti Periwal
Director, Jayshree Periwal International School, Jaipur
You had not ticked the appropriate box for classification of schools in the EWISR 2015 questionnaire on our website. Nevertheless we regret the misclassification ” Editor
All the same
Re the EW India School Rankings 2015 (EW September), we would like to bring to your notice that our school™s name is Presidency School, Bangalore South. In the co-ed day schools league table, there™s mention of Presidency School, Bilekahalli, Bangalore South, and Presidency School, Bannerghatta. Please note all of them are one school.
Kindly delete both other Presidency Schools in your master list and retain only Presidency School, Bangalore South in your forthcoming surveys.
J. Bhuvaneswari
Presidency School, Bangalore South
Full transparency request
The EW India School Rankings 2015 (EW September) is an excellent effort by your organisation to guide parents in choosing appropriate schools for their children. However, I feel a 360 degree feedback of schools is still missing. For instance, one of the schools top-ranked in your survey still practices corporal punishment, employs incompetent teachers who don™t complete the syllabus on time, burdens children with excess homework, class tests and projects, and forces them to carry school bags weighing 8-10 kg.
You need to highlight all these facts about schools ranked in your annual survey. Please consider my suggestions with the objective of improving and upgrading schools in the interest of children.
Mona Bhatia on email
Academic rankings query
I read with interest the EW India Academic Rankings 2015 published in the July and August editions. In the July issue, Salwan Public School is ranked #117 among India™s Top 100 CBSE schools whereas in the August edition, its name doesn™t figure, even though you have clearly stated that CBSE schools are ranked according to five-subjects average.
If schools have been ranked on the basis of 90 percent-plus performers, our institution is on a par with other schools. I would like to point out that Salwan Public boasts 48 students who scored above 90 percent.
Kiran Mehta
Principal, Salwan Public School Mayur Vihar, Delhi
As stated in the introduction to the league tables, only schools in which more than 71 students scored above 90 percent could be accommodated ” Editor
True appreciation
Congratulations to the EducationWorld team for publishing the comprehensive and brilliantly presented EW India School Rankings 2015.
Firstly, you have done what no one has done by highlighting special needs schools and giving them their due as an important segment of the education sector. This will go a long way in creating awareness about the wonderful work these organisations are doing, and will assist them in garnering support and recognition.
Secondly, parameters such as life skills education and conflict management, special needs education and community service used to assess schools are eye openers. They will become benchmarks for schools aspiring to enhance the quality of their infrastructure and other services. This in turn will improve the overall standard of Indian education. Also, I was happy to see the inclusion of government and budget private schools in the EW India School Rankings 2015.
Once again, my heartiest congratulations to everyone at EducationWorld. As a gesture of appreciation, I enclose a cheque of Rs.10,000 from my personal account for members of your team who have checked, edited and beautifully presented the 100-plus league tables of EWISR 2015, to celebrate.
Dr. Shayama Chona
Correction request
In the August issue featuring the CISCE class XII actual results league table, I wish to inform you that the number of examinees from Smt. Sulochanadevi Singhania School, Thane, is 252 as against 236 mentioned in the table. Of them, 159 students secured above 90 percent as against the 145 published by you.  I would not have bothered if these were marginal changes, but the student strength and percentages vary and you have been kind enough to request correction of discrepancies.
I request you to make these corrections in the league table.
Revathi Srinivasan
Director, Smt. Sulochanadevi Singhania School, Thane
Omission complaint
I read with interest the EW India Academic Rankings 2015 (EW August) featuring the CBSE/CISCE class XII results of schools with the highest number of students scoring 90 percent-plus. Our school has consistently recorded good results but our name isn™t mentioned in your list of 90 percent-plus CBSE schools. Of the 209 students who wrote the CBSE class XII exam, 68 scored 90 percent-plus.
We will appreciate your updating the rankings.
Fr. James George
Principal, Creane Memorial School, Gaya (Bihar)
See reply in ˜Academic rankings query™ above ” Editor
Unscientific and illogical
We want to draw your attention to the Top 100 CBSE 90 percent-plus schools rankings published in the August issue of EducationWorld. The rankings seem to be based on two parameters: total number of students and number of 90 percent-plus students. You have not considered the percentage of students who have scored above 90 percent and also ignored the average achievements in five subjects.
In our opinion, the percentage of students with 90 percent-plus and average five-subject score should have been the main criteria of judging the performance of schools in the CBSE class XII exam 2015. A large number of schools whose performance has been exemplary with higher average achievement and higher percentage of students scoring 90 percent-plus have been ignored.
We strongly feel that your ranking parameters are unscientific and illogical and we suggest they be corrected.
S.K. Bhattacharya
President, Action Committee Unaided Recognised Private Schools
As explained in the preamble, the objective of the league tables published in August is to acknowledge schools which have successfully prepared large cohorts of 90-plus percenters. In the July issue, we ranked India™s Top 100 CBSE schools based on their class XII results (five-subjects average). Moreover, preambles of both league tables lament that because of the illogical non-cooperation of the CBSE board, our partner was able to access the class XII results of only 5,433 (out of 9,000) CBSE-affiliated schools ” Editor
Clarification request
You have omitted Ryan International School, Noida in your rankings of Top 100 CBSE 90 percent-plus schools (EW August). For your information, 52 of our 112 students scored 90 percent-plus in the CBSE class XII exam.
We want a clarification on the criteria used to rank the Top 100 CBSE schools, as institutions with lesser percentages have been featured in the rankings league table. This will enable us to clarify our doubts as also give us impetus to work towards a fairer result.
Anuradha Sharma
Principal, Ryan International School, Sector 39, Noida
See response in ˜Academic rankings query™ above ” Editor
The state rank of Amar Jyothi Saraswati International School, Bhavnagar was inadvertently printed as #61 in the ˜Others Rankings™ league table (page 76). The correct rank of the school is #6 in Gujarat state.
In the EW India Girls Day Schools Rankings narrative (page 161, Rajmata Krishna Kumari Girls  School), the mother of Maharaja Gaj Singh II of Marwar ” the Rajmata ” was inadvertently referred to as his late mother. The error is deeply regretted. We wish the Rajmata a long and healthy life to promote the cause of Indian education.

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