Jobs in Education System

A bunch of Ohio State University students spent their summer holidays trotting around the globe: studying architecture in Europe, agricul-ture in China, volunteering medical care in Mexico and even learning Arabic in Yemen. Says Greg Delaney, a team member: This trip was an unbelievable opportunity to actually experience firsthand whatever we were learning back in Ohio. Every day was an adventure
The trip was soul-satisfying for the students. In many places, they stopped to volun-teer useful services. Recalls a student of dentistry in the team: We treated everything from routine cavities to extractions and other dental problems in Mexico. For a lot of them, it was the first time theyd seen a dentist!”

New teams gear up every year with a mixture of students from all fields to explore various countries. They get hands-on experience in working with the sick and the needy, sorting out housing and legal issues with the governments and even cooking with locals!

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EducationWorld November 2024
ParentsWorld October 2024

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