Jobs in Education System

I am trying to steer my son in the right career direction. Hes in class VIII and I want him to have a good grounding when he gets out of college. What do you suggest I do in terms of guiding him towards a career choice? – RK

With hundreds of career options available today, its too early to start planning what he will be doing ten years from now. The world is bursting with opportunities and it is no longer necessary to tread traditional career paths. This is the time to discern his aptitudes and interests which will impact his career choice.

Help him pinpoint his interests, passions, likes and dislikes. This will help him to choose subjects of his interest after class X and keep him focused on them. He can also sign up for hobby classes, workshops and self-learning programmes in subjects of his choice. Its important that he studies subjects he wants to study and enjoys studying them. Provide exposure to different vocations by encouraging him to browse the internet to learn about the variety of careers related to his favourite subjects. He can also explore professions of interest by talking to people engaged in them, helping them, doing research, etc. Learning is a never-ending process and can start at any age. Discovering things that intrigue and interest him will eventually enable him to make the aptitudinally appropriate career choice.

How early should you plan careers?

While its helpful to spot a childs interests early, it is not necessary to choose her career early.

Career goals are necessary, and can open a plethora of options for a child. But a persons interests, experiences and age will change plans and ideas constantly. While IIT coaching classes are offered as early as class VIII, such early preparations limit a childs options, rather than help her keep an open mind.

Life experiences, exposure to real-time careers, and greater awareness of self will be far more effective in helping your child choose a career when its time to do so.

Also read: Preparing students for careers of the future

Advantage15 – India’s first virtual career summit for teens and parents

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