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Happy childhood memories linked to less drug abuse in adolescents

ParentsWorld February 2021 | News Bytes

Adolescents with happy childhood memories are at a lower risk of alcohol abuse, binge drinking and marijuana consumption, says a study published in Addiction Research and Theory (January). For the study, researchers of Purdue University, USA, surveyed 1,961 high school students who rated how nostalgic they were about their childhood, current happiness quotient and the extent to which they look to future happiness. The study also analysed the students’ marijuana and alcohol consumption habits of the previous 30 days, and their average academic grades. The researchers concluded that positive attitudes towards the past, present, and future places adolescents at lower risk of substance abuse.

The authors of the study say urgent action is needed because Covid-19 has left many teenagers struggling with online study, mental imbalance and alcohol and drugs dependency. It calls upon teachers and parents to help students develop positive mindsets. “They’re more likely to be enthusiastic learners and not resort to drink and drugs if teachers take time to build positive relationships with them… Parents have a role to play too,” says John Mark Froiland, clinical assistant professor, Purdue University.

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