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Founded in 2006, National Institute of Food Technology Entrepreneurship and Management (NIFTEM), Sonipat is a centre of excellence and an apex world class centre of global standards in the area of food technology and management. NIFTEM aims to be a premier academic institution in the areas of food technology, entrepreneurship and management. NIFTEM offers courses and training programmes of global standards with optimal mix of inputs on food technology, management and entrepreneurship. It is a deemed to be university (De-novo Category) under Section 3 of the UGC Act, 1956 and an Autonomous Institution under Ministry of Food Processing Industries, Government of India Sonepat, Haryana.


The 100 acre NIFTEM campus hosts classrooms and tutorial rooms equipped with multipurpose podium, projection system, lecture recording and audio system. The NIFTEM Knowledge Centre (NKC) is well equipped with modern facilities and resources in the form of books, journals, on-line databases, e-books, e-journals. The NKC caters to the needs of the graduate and post-graduate students, research scholars and the faculty members of the institute. NIFTEM hosts a large cafeteria in the campus, a fully equipped auditorium with a seating capacity of 650, transportation facility, medical facility, laundry service, canteen facility, and guest houses. Sports facilities include volley ball, basket ball, badminton, table tennis, gymand billiards table.



General Information



Admission in the B.Tech.programme is made before the beginning of the odd semester of each session. Other modes of admission may be applicable for foreign nationals and Indian nationals residing abroad, as per the norms approved by the Academic Council, in accordance with the policy laid down by the Government of India from time to time. Educational Qualification to B.Tech Programme 1. Candidates who have passed their class 12exam or any other qualifying examination in 2013 or 2014, or those who are appearing in class 12exam in 2015 are eligible for admission in 2015. 2. Candidates who appeared in class 12/equivalent qualifying examinations in 2012 and did not pass in 2012, but passed in 2013 are not eligible for admission. 3. Subject combinations in the qualifying examination shall be as under: Physics, Mathematics and one of the subjects from Chemistry, Biology, Computer Science and Bio-technology. 4. Candidates must secure at least 50 percent marks in aggregate of all subjects. 5. The candidate must have appeared in JEE (Main) 2015. Age Only those candidates whose date of birth falls on or after October 1,1990 are eligible for admission in 2015 academic session.However, in the case of Scheduled Caste(SC),Scheduled Tribe(ST) and Physically Challanged(PC) candidates,upper age limit is relaxed by 5 years. The merit list will be based on All India Rank of JEE (Main) of the eligible applicants. Counselling for admission will be done by NIFTEM admission cell at NIFTEM campus, Kundli, Sonepat, Haryana only. For more details please refer


Being an apex institution under Ministry of Food Processing Industries (MoFPI), NIFTEM has developed strong linkages with industries. UGC has granted NIFTEM a Deemed to be University status under De-novo Category meant for institutions devoted to innovations in teaching and research in emerging areas of knowledge as unique accomplishment.


NIFTEM provides separate accommodation facility for boys and girls.


Website :

Address : Plot No. 97, Sector 56,

Email : [email protected]

Contact : 1302281000

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