Jobs in Education System

Tired of giving in to your child’s demands and ‘bribing your child? If you have fallen into the trap of bribing your child so much that she will not help you with any chores unless you promise to buy her some goodies, its time to change things and resort to no more bribes only creative rewards!

First, be firm about getting out of the circle of daily bribes. Have a frank talk with your child. Explain that its morally reprehensible to keep buying new things, and explain why.

Occasional rewards for special achievements and good work can continue. But refuse to link every small task to a material reward.

Instead, offer interesting rewards for commendable behavior by using a Reward Box.

The Reward Box.

First, choose an attractive money box. Every time you want to reward good behavior, write a Promise Note on a piece of paper, fold it and insert it into the box. A promise like A visit to the zoo,” A sleepover with a cousin,” A family game of Scrabble,” or A Play Day when you get to choose games for the family.

These promises can be redeemed every weekend or when you want to present a reward and think there is time to fulfill a Promise Note. Just open the box and let your child pick one note. Ensure such creative rewards, no more bribes! Be sure to keep your promise and give your child something to look forward to.

– Nisha Daniel

Also read: Encouraging creative thinking in children

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EducationWorld December 2024
ParentsWorld December 2024

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