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Preparing for board exams | Defer board exams by 2 months | Share your suggestions

How and when should class 10 and 12 board exams 2021 be held?

There is huge uncertainty and anxiety about conducting 2021 class X and XII board exams. In normal circumstances the exams would have been held in February-March, less than four months away. With the Covid-19 pandemic hugely disrupting education and a huge question mark over reopening of schools, there is anxiety within educators, parents and students about how and when the board exams 2021 will be held.

CBSE CISCE delaying board exams reduce syllabusCBSE, CISCE considers delaying board exams; may reduce syllabus further

The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) and the Council for Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE) are considering mulling the syllabus for classes 10 and 12 board examinations 2021 by 50 percent. They are also consider extending the academic year and delaying board exams 2021 by 45 to 60 days.

Tamil Nadu 11th resultGearing up for the 2021 board exams

Across India, the countdown has begun for class 10 and 12 students slated to appear for their February-March 2021 summative board exams. However, instead of filling out their board mandated pre-examination forms at this time of the year, educators, parents and students are debating whether the 2021 board exams should be held at all in the face of unprecedented uncertainty due to the COVID-19 pandemic?


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