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Reader Feedback

EducationWorld November 05 | EducationWorld
Reader FeedbackEducationWorld is a one-of-a-kind magazine that covers news and events in the field of education in a grounded, pragmatic style. The cover stories are well-researched and expert comments usually offer interesting insights on relevant issues. There is a good balance in the coverage of private and public sector activities in education. However I‚d like to you to introduce a section that covers innovations in education across the country. Ashish Rajpal, the Delhi-based co-founder and CEO of iDiscoveri, a life skills training companyEW has played a stellar role in highlighting many education issues of national interest. The magazine is a complete package and appeals both to the common reader and people from the academic field with its well-written, pithy and topical articles. I hope it will continue to effectively critique the government‚s education policy and make students and parents aware of critical issues in education.Ambarish Rai, national convenor, People‚s Campaign for a Common School SystemEducationWorld makes for informative, enjoyable and extremely educative reading. The special reports are especially relevant ‚ whether on the status of coaching classes as a parallel system of schooling for competitive exams or the relevance and increasing popularity of life skills education. This is an excellent magazine which should be subscribed by every educational and allied organisation in the country.Roda Billimoria, managing trustee, Sir Shahpurji Billimoria Foundation, MumbaiWhenever I‚ve picked up a copy of EducationWorld, I‚ve enjoyed reading it. It has brought important issues in the field of education to the notice of people in an interesting manner. Despite being a niche magazine, it‚s not dry and boring but lively and vibrant. I hope it will continue to raise awareness on education through its consistent efforts in good journalism.Dr. Anil Wilson, principal, St. Stephen‚s College, DelhiEducationWorld has opened up a whole new perspective on education for me. Not only is it trendy in terms of its layout and approach, it‚s also very informative and enlightening, covering as it does, a wide spectrum of areas in education. One aspect of the magazine which I really appreciate is the thorough research it executes on the topics it writes about. It‚s a must-read-every-month publication.Norina Fernandes, principal, Lilavatibai Podar Senior Secondary School, MumbaiEW is unique new age journalism that combines commercial savvy of understanding the market with a passion for bettering the area of its focus. At a time when commercial success is equated with pandering to the lowest common denominator, it is inspiring to read and be associated with a publication that raises its readers to a higher plateau.Parth Shah, founder president, Centre for Civil Society, DelhiI have been observing the growth of EducationWorld since its inception. I am happy to say that the magazine is characterised by wholesome coverage, progressive editorials and lead articles, timely treatment of current issues and concerns. The write-ups are illustrated with appropriate pictures. I wish continuing success to EW‚s committed editor and his illustrious team.Dr. A.S. Seetharamu, professor of education, Institute of Social and Economic Change, BangaloreEducation World is an extremely useful magazine
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