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SPJIMR invites applications for Owners Management Programme 2018

March 20, 2018

Mumbai based SP Jain Institute of Management & Research (SPJIMR) invites applications for its Owners Management Programme (OMP) – a unique and exclusive training programme designed for successful entrepreneurs or second generation entrepreneurs who are in charge of their family business and aspire to drive their business to the next level of growth. The programme would also benefit those who are confused by the increasing demands of their business and are looking to strike a balance between managing business pressures and family responsibilities. The application deadline for the batch commencing on April 7, 2018 is March 23, 2018.
Owners Management Programme is the right choice for business owners who have been leading their own businesses for more than 15 to 20 years and are eager to take their business to the next level. These businesses usually have a turnover of INR 25-100 crore and need to achieve an accelerated growth.

Comments Dr. Rajiv Agarwal, Head of OMP Programme, “OMP is a one of its kind programme that has been designed recognising the fact that today’s complex and fast changing business environment forces each one to be constantly learning and enhancing their knowledge base, regardless of age. The challenges that business leaders face today is that they don’t know whom to ask. The OMP provides a safe environment where leaders come together and learn from their peers and faculty on how to grow their businesses and take it to the next level. To that extent, the OMP is unique and offers tremendous value to all its participants, as they often find that one idea from the sessions could recover their entire investment in the programme!”

Key highlights of the OMP programme are:

– Convenience – Classes are held one weekend in a month, over a period of 12 months, thus ensuring that your schedules are not affected much and you have time to understand the learnings.

– Excellent faculty – The classes are taught by the SPJIMR faculty which is among the top 5 business schools in India, and experts who share their experience in business and academics. The small class size encourages learning from each other and from SPJIMR faculty who come with extensive knowledge and experience.

– Practical oriented easy learning -Teaching is based on cases and classroom discussions. Participants are asked to prepare and present a business plan for their businesses for the next five years. Participants learn in an environment where the theoretical concepts are combined with practical applications oriented exercises, which can be applied to live business issues, thus helping them to develop as individuals as well as within the family business.

OMP does not have a subject based curriculum. Its uniquely designed modules address issues such as growth, strategy, leadership and family dynamics in a practical and holistic manner covering all areas of management.

Eligible candidates from across the country are expected to submit the enrolment forms latest by March 23, 2018. The programme fee is INR 2.50 lac plus applicable taxes.

To learn more about the programme and download the brochure, please visit

A constituent of the Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, S.P. Jain Institute of Management & Research (SPJIMR) is ranked among the top ten business schools of India.

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