They said it
EducationWorld September 06 | EducationWorld
They said it”There was no love, no comfort, just women left back to die (at an Indian hospital). Stigma is irrational and cruel. We must understand every life has equal worth and saving lives is the highest ethical act‚¦ Some people believe condoms promote sexual activity. But withholding condoms does not mean fewer people have sex; it means fewer people have safe sex ‚ and more people die” — Melinda Gates, co-founder of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation at the 16th International AIDS Conference in Toronto (August 14)”They suggest implementing reservation in a phased manner. This would amount to empowering the empow-ered at the cost of oppressing the oppressed” — Tamil Nadu chief minister M. Karunanidhi on the proposal to implement the OBC quota Bill in phases (August 21)’India can‚t be described as a socialist country; it‚s failed to achieve the elementary progress that most such countries have” — Nobel laureate Amartya Sen in The Outlook (August 21)”Hair is one of those characters who when he wears the white umpire‚s coat metamorphoses into a mini-Hitler” — Former Pakistan cricket captain Imran Khan on umpire Darrell Hair accusing the Pakistan team of ball tampering “The essence of the population policy must be to transform people into social and national assets” — Prime minister Manmohan Singh (August 24)”The greatest legacy of the man is that his departure won‚t mean a jot to the company. While his colleagues will miss him, Infosys will continue as if nothing had happened ‚ scarcely missing a beat in its race to become even larger and more profitable” — Economist Omkar Goswami on N.R. Narayana Murthy‚s retirement as executive chairman of Infosys Technologies in Businessworld (August 28)”The United Nations is a 20th-century organisation facing a 21st-century challenge ‚ an institution with impressive achievements but also haunting failures, one that mirrors not just the world‚s hopes but its inequalities and disagreements…” — Shashi Tharoor, India‚s nominee for the post of secretary general of the United Nations in Times of India (August 28) Facebook Twitter LinkedIn WhatsApp