Here are somes tips for educators to get enough sleep
- Maintain a regular pattern to sleep and wake up on time everyday – including weekends.
- Make sure your bedroom is comfortable, quiet, cool and dark or dimly lit before you go to bed.
- Establish a regular pattern of relaxing habits, such as reading or listening to soothing music, before bedtime.
- Use the bed for sleeping or relaxing only. Avoid bringing your pressing assignments to bed before you sleep.
- Exercise on a regular basis but not immediately before bedtime.
- Avoid heavy meals before bedtime. If you are hungry, a light snack or glass of milk may help you sleep.
- Avoid caffeine intake in the evening.
- Don’t smoke. Nicotine in tobacco obstructs sleep.
- Keep your mind off intense thoughts or feelings before bedtime.
- Avoid relying on sleeping pills for extended periods – their long-term use is ineffective for most insomniacs.
- Don’t depend on alcohol to help you fall asleep. Alcohol often causes fragmented sleep waking you up during the night.
Also read: Less sleep in children who use devices before bed