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Your Counsellor Replies

EducationWorld May 05 | EducationWorld

Your counsellor repliesI‚m a class XII science student and want details of institutes offering courses in genetic engineering. Navin Chopra, New DelhiBachelor‚s degree programmes in genetic engineering are yet to be introduced though B.Sc with genetics as a subject is offered by several universities including Osmania, Hyderabad, Kakatiya, Warangal and Bangalore universities. Moreover Allahabad Agricultural Institute allows you to specialise in genetic engineering as part of a B.Tech course in biotechnology. B.Tech (biotech) is also offered by a few engineering institutions. But please bear in mind that careers in genetic engineering are mainly research oriented and require long years of study.I would like to qualify as a forensic accountant. Please advise.Jal Mehta, MumbaiForensic accounting has to do with utilisation of accounting, auditing and investigative skills to detect and solve crimes. Forensic accountants investigate white-collar crimes and use accounting techniques to detect fraud. They are also required to investigate mergers and acquisitions, tax cases, economic crimes, civil litigation, specialised audits and even terrorist activities. Most forensic accountants possess accountancy qualifications and diploma certificates like ‚Ëœcertified fraud examiner‚. Alternatively, they could be chartered accountants with law degrees. Forensic accountants need the skills of private investigators and accountants. Analytical ability, research skills, financial experience including knowledge of accounting procedures (proper and improper) are vital for a successful career in forensic accounting. Moreover to get a foothold in this profession, you need a thorough knowledge of auditing, risk assessment control and fraud detection, law and strong written and oral communication skills.I‚ll be graduating in commerce next year and want to do a course in medical social work. Which institutes offer this course and what are the job opportunities?Vidya Kolhatkar, Pune The two-year master of social work degree programme offered by the Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai, qualifies you to specialise in medical and psychiatric social work. The best study programme available in the country, it gives students an opportunity to work in mental and community health organisations, substance abuse and rehabilitation centres, hospitals, child guidance and counselling centres, schools and research organisations.I‚m in Plus Two (commerce) and keen on pursuing a company secretary‚s course together with my undergraduate (bachelor in management science) programme. Please advise.Nikhil Rao, ChennaiCoterminously with your B.Com, BMS or any other bachelor‚s programme (other than fine arts), you can enroll in the foundation course for qualifying as a company secretary. There is no admission test. After completing the foundation course you can enroll in the intermediate and then in the final course. While you can pursue BMS and CS simultaneously, it will require excellent time management skills and discipline to do justice to both courses. I‚m a practising MBBS doctor and would like to do a course in hospital adminis-tration through distance education. What are the options?Geeta Raghavan, BangaloreThe one-year postgraduate certificate programme in hospital management through distance education offered by the National Institute of Health and Family Welfare, Munirka, New Delhi 110 067 ( is for MBBS candidates registered with the state/ Medical Council of India who have at least five years working experience (excluding internship/ house job and PG training in a hospital). Indira Gandhi National Open University ( also offers a postgraduate diploma in hospital and health management through corres-pondence. You are eligible to apply if you have two years work experience after registration with the Medical Council of India. Apollo Hospital‚s Education and Research Foundation and Medvarsity also offer a one-year diploma in hospital administration through correspondence. Contact Medvarsity Online Limited by e-mail [email protected] for details.I‚m a final year B.Com student. I would like to pursue a cost and works accountancy course together with my graduate studies. Please advise.Rahul Desai, AhmedabadOn completion of Plus Two you are eligible to enroll in the foundation course of the Institute of Cost and Works Accountants of India (ICWAI). After successfully completing the foundation course you are entitled to enroll for the intermediate course (18 months minimum). On the other hand any person who is above 18 years of age and has graduated in any discipline is eligible to directly register for the intermediate examination. On clearing the intermediate examination you can enroll for the final course (18 months). Candidates who have cleared the final examination and have three years practical experience become members of the Institute of Cost & Works Accountants. Training is through mandatory coaching for a specified period, either in coaching centres across the country, or via postal coaching provided by regional councils. Candidates can enroll for the intermediate/ foundation course throughout the year. All examinations are held twice annually. Visit for further details or contact the western regional council in Mumbai by e-mail (mumbai@‚m in class XI and would like to join the defence forces. Please provide details about the entrance exam, admission procedure and the preparation required.Ranvir Singh, ChandigarhYou are eligible to apply to the National Defence Academy (NDA) after completing Plus Two. The admission procedure includes clearance of the National Defence Academy written examination conducted by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) and interview by the Services Selection Board (SSB). Those who clear the SSB interview are sent for medical examination after which a final list is prepared. The choice of science with physics and maths at the Plus Two level will give you the option of writing the NDA examination for entry into the army, navy or the air force wing. You can find out about the physical standards and age profile required for the various services by logging on to NDA examination comprises two papers. The general ability paper tests proficiency in English and comprehension and includes questions from history, geography, political science, physics, chemistry, biology etc. The syllabus is detailed on the website. The second paper is devoted to maths. If you have studied maths till class XII you should not have a problem tackling the paper. The NDA exam is held twice every year (around September/ October and April).

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