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Be an effective pre-primary teacher with STTAR certificate programme on ECCE

EducationWorld September 2022 | Spotlight Feature

ECCE as envisioned in NEP 2020


A firm foundation of lifelong learning begins with Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE). The formative years from birth to age 6 is the period when 85% of the human brain develops. These early years are the best time to initiate and stimulate cognitive, linguistic, social, emotional and motor development in children. Doing so requires the right set of knowledge, skills, and sensitivity about foundational learning.

To develop these essential and all-important competencies in pre-primary teachers, aspirants, educators, and parents, Saamarthya Teachers Training Academy of Research (STTAR), in collaboration with Early Childhood Association (ECA) India, and global partners Global Education Futures and The Weaving Lab, has curated a very special Certificate Programme on Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE), as it has been envisioned in the National Education Policy 2020.

The programme focusses specifically on those aspects of ECCE that have the greatest positive influence in shaping children’s mental, emotional and physical faculties. The aim is to engender in each participant an understanding of child psychology, child behavior, and the nuances of essential literacy and numeracy competencies for foundational years. This shall help to make teachers proficient in new-age pedagogy comprising play-based learning, active learning, inquiry based learning, storytelling, role-playing, and foundational literacy and numeracy.

Scheduled to be held in the online mode over the course of four days from November 10 to November 13, 2022, STTAR’s Certificate Programme on Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) will cover the following key topics:

  • Importance of Foundational Learning
  • Child Psychology and Parenting
  • Phonics
  • Storytelling
  • Developing Critical Thinking Curriculum for Pre-Primary

 To know more about the 4-day certificate programme, visit:

 Each one of these sessions will be helmed by experts with decades of experience in Early Childhood Care and Education.


On the opening day, the renowned Swati Popat Vats, President of the Early Childhood Association-India (ECA) and an educationist with 34 years of experience, will conduct the introductory session on the Importance of Foundational Learning. This would be followed by a session on Child Psychology and Parenting by Carole Paul, a consultant for special needs and early intervention with 24 years of experience.

A clutch of interesting synthetic phonics techniques will be revealed in the session on Phonics on Day 2 by Saswati Nanda Satpathy, a noted international phonics trainer with 18 years of experience in teaching and training. On Day 3, Satpathy will also share several effective strategies to incorporate Storytelling in pre-primary classrooms. The final day is reserved for the extremely pertinent session on Developing Critical Thinking Curriculum for Pre-Primary by Poonam Kochitty, a highly proficient teacher trainer in classroom management, curriculum planning and implementation, and an educator with 35 years of experience in school leadership roles.


The four-day programme consists of 12 hours of learning in sessions and 13 hours of self-paced learning through assignments. Each participant will get STTAR Certificate in association with Early Childhood Association (ECA) and STTAR’s global partners Global Education Futures and The Weaving Lab.

Vinod Malhotra, Chairman of the Academic Council, STTAR, says, “NEP 2020 aptly recognizes the need to strengthen Early Childhood Care and Education so that young learners may develop cognitive, linguistic, emotional and physical competence to progress to elementary and secondary learning. STTAR has designed this four-day certificate programme for pre-primary teachers, aspirants, career changers, young mothers and fathers, so that the potential of learning in young minds shall be fully realized.” 

STTAR is a premier teachers’ training academy with an expertise in developing latest pedagogical competencies in today’s educators. Its training modules are created out of extensive research and in consultation with academics and experts of national and global stature. Its flagship programme STTAR Future Learning Systems, held in May 2022, was a stupendous success. The Certificate Programme on ECCE is set to be the new laurel in the academy’s accomplishments.

Topic: A Certificate Programme On Early Childhood Care And Education (ECCE)

Date: November 10 to November 13, 2022

Time: 4 PM to 7 PM

Register Here:

Who Should Attend: Aspiring Teachers, In-Service Teachers, Career Changers, Edupreneurs, Young Mothers, Caretakers, NTT teachers

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