
Bridging the generation gap

Enjoy sharing your life with your children in these simple ways. Bridging the generation gap will help you understand your kids better and draw them closer to you.

Rediscover your old hobbies. Teach children the joy of flying kites, scrapbooking and playing cards. While kids may show little interest in anecdotes about your childhood games and hobbies, their reaction will be enthusiastic if you sit with them and revive your childhood together. 

Share their joys. Watch the cartoons they love, and share their enthusiasm. If you find that some have too much violence or arent suitable for children, think of ways to introduce them to other programmes. Discuss the reservations you have openly.

Ask your children to teach you the computer games they play and join the fun. Perhaps youll learn something that you missed in your childhood, and will be able to get in tune with your childs preferences. Not only will you be successful in bridging the generation gap but you will also get to know what needs to be avoided – violence and war games.

Also read: 5 ways to keep your child smiling