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Delhi University introduces free course on happiness

August 13, 2019

The Ramanujan College recently started their first-ever batch of happiness classes in the University of Delhi (DU). A total of 45 students have been selected for the six-month certificate programme. The course will be taught free of cost by the college’s School of Happiness, Center of Ethics and Values.

The faculty members were given training regarding the course beforehand. They were also asked about their concept of happiness and based on that feedback, the happiness curriculum was created. Designed to make students identify and eliminate the fundamental causes of stress, programme coordinator of the course Nidhi Mathur told Indian Express, “As part of the course, students will be given training in personality development, yoga, meditation, life and communication skills, etc. These skills are needed for the current generation, who often are prone to wrong-doings, anger, and stress. The basic concept of the course is that we do not have ready-made happiness and one has to continuously create it.”

Mathur further added, “Since there is no benchmark of happiness, we have to be patient and see how these students who are trained under the course behave as compared to those who are not trained. We do not have a defined yardstick for the same which makes it difficult to impart these skills as compared to mainstream education.”

The four best performing students will be sent to Austria and Europe for further training. “Our four performing students will be sent for further training for an exchange programme with the Management Center Innsbruck (MCI) — an Austria-based entrepreneurial school. No fee will be charged. The students will be accessed based on their performance including the project-work, community service, and attendance,” said Mathur.

Source: Indian Express

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