
H1N1: Causes and prevention

H1N1: Causes and prevention

Swine flu also called the H1NI virus originated in the pigs and hit the headlines in 2009 when humans were found to be infected with this virus. This virus is essentially transmitted from person to person and its symptoms are similar to that of common influenza. The World Health Organisation (WHO) called the swine flu a pandemic in 2009, since the flu was spreading at an alarming rate among humans around the world.

Symptoms of H1NI

Chills, cough, sore throat, loss of appetite, fever, body pain, fatigue, headache, sometimes even vomiting and diarrhoea

How can you catch it?

Just like the seasonal flu, when people cough or sneeze, the germs are transmitted to the air. And in case someone comes into contact with these germs, he/she gets infected with the swine flu. Most doctors in India believe that a person infected with the H1N1 flu virus will easily infect the others from day one much before the symptoms develop until 7 or more days after becoming ill. The H1N1 virus also spreads from person to person when the virus enters the body through mouth, eyes, nose and ears. Although it is termed swine flu, it does not spread while eating a well-cooked pork.

Prevention of HINI

Also read: World’s most deadliest virus