
How NEP helps in fostering student skill development

Arun verma
Arun Verma, Founder & CEO of TeacherOn – An Online Tutoring Platform

According to the Survey of India, it was highlighted that the country’s literacy rate is 77.7% in 2022 and will grow exponentially in the times ahead. Education has always been a significant criterion for the development of society as well as a fundamental human right across the globe. As we are living in the twenty-first century, a plethora of trends are taking centre stage with the advancement of technology. The most notable was the new National Education Policy 2020, which was approved by the union cabinet. To transform India into a vibrant and global knowledge society by making school and college education more holistic, flexible, multidisciplinary, and aimed at bringing out the unique capabilities of each student.

National Education Policy- A Revolutionary Change

The National Education Policy was developed in 1986 and revised in 1992. Several changes have occurred since then, necessitating a revision of the policy. The NEP 2020 was the first education policy of the twenty-first century and succeeded the 34-year-old National Policy on Education (NPE), 1986. The policy’s implementation marked a revolutionary shift in the education industry, shifting the emphasis from learning to skill-based education. The NEP’s proposal to introduce vocational education beginning in grade 6 and to establish a National Committee for the Integration of Vocational Education (NCIVE) is seen as a bold step forward. As a result, it becomes critical that we embrace these changes as the era evolves by fostering the skill gap in a way by addressing the problem and applying the solution holistically.

Fostering Skill Development

As we all know, technological advancement has accelerated their paths and compelled educational institutions to launch a plethora of innovations for a stable career and professional growth, as well as an overall contribution to the development of society. This newly approved plan NEP discusses major transformational reforms in the Indian academic sector, which are valued by many due to the effective methods of fostering skill development in the following ways.

In light of this backdrop, we must evaluate the critical role that NEP 2020 can play in reversing the trend. Some of the key initiatives that can aid in increasing and enhancing the career path are as follows:

Addressing skill deficiencies

When we consider the skill gap that is affecting employability in every sector, recalibrating the educational ecosystem becomes significant. According to expert opinion, data from the International Labor Organization (ILO) and the National Council for Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (NCSDE) predicts a 29 million skill deficit by 2030. This skill gap is already having an impact, with 53% of Indian businesses reporting that they are unable to hire suitable candidates due to a lack of future skills.

Significantly, this skill gap exists across multiple industries, including IT, manufacturing, and so on. Surprisingly, it also accuses businesses of failing to provide on-the-job training. Hence, to fill this void, the mentoring platform comes as a blessing to help individuals not only achieve but surpass their personal and professional goals. Furthermore, it also encourages solutions to fill in the skill gap for future growth.

Holistic education

Rather than the traditional content-heavy and rote-learning approach, the NEP emphasizes a more holistic approach. In addition to science and mathematics, it advocates for a creative and multidisciplinary curriculum that includes the humanities, sports and fitness, languages, culture, arts and crafts, and so on. It recognizes life skills such as communication, cooperation, teamwork, and resilience. This modified approach is intended to assist students in developing academic expertise as well as critical leadership skills that will aid them in their career paths.

Importance of vocational education

The inclusion of vocational education and training is perhaps the most important component of NEP 2020 in encouraging employment. This ensures that vocational education will now be included in the curricula of all schools, colleges, and universities. Educational institutions can offer two types of VET qualifications to make skill development an integral part of education: a VET certificate and a VET diploma. Furthermore, for these programs to be successful, a regulated approach is required, as well as dual cooperation between organizations and vocational schools.

To support the scenario, educational institutions across the country must step forward and capitalize on the dual training model. Furthermore, to make it more profitable, participants can endorse professional courses with global certification in some emerging technological domains, which can be linked with credit systems. These pathways will also increase the attractiveness of faculty and VET trainer positions, which were created to facilitate mobility across higher, professional, and vocational education.

Way Forward

With the advent of Industry 4.0, many trends are gaining prominence, and NEP 2020 is no exception. Restructuring the educational ecosystem is a critical first step in dealing with the rapid changes occurring in response to demands and needs. In a nutshell, the strong skill-based education model has the potential to not only change the way the country views career opportunities, but also to take a creative and innovative approach to global leadership.

Also read: Union Budget will be of great help in implementing NEP: PM