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Do not to start I PU Classes

Karnataka: Department warns PU colleges not to start I PU Classes

June 10, 2021
Reshma Ravishanker

The department of Pre-University Education, Karnataka has issued a circular ordering that no PU colleges are allowed to commence classes for first PU students till the announcement of the academic calendar for the year by the department. 

The department has said that that colleges must await admission guidelines -2021-22 to be released by the department to commence first PU class. Colleges are not allowed to even begin admission process of students until these guidelines are released. 
“Despite these orders, if any college is found to either make admissions for first PU students or start classes, the department will initiate disciplinary action against them and will also take action to disaffiliate such colleges,” the circular states. The circular has been sent to principals of all PU colleges. 
Education world had reported last week that several PU colleges have commenced their admission process even before a decision had been made regarding conducting of the SSLC exams. Even CBSE class 10 results have been awaited. 
Even as there are uncertainties among students about the status of their results, PU colleges have started admitting students based on their class 9 results (in the case of CBSE) students and entrance tests and interviews for state board students. In the name of conducting bridge courses or boot camps, colleges have asked students to pay nearly half the annual fee and assume that their seats for first PU has been confirmed even before the announcement of results of class 10. 
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