
Nutritious vegetarian diet for children

Nutritious vegetarian diet for children


Cynthia John

It’s up to parents to plan their children’s diets carefully to ensure every meal is balanced with vegetarian fare rich in nutrients required for orderly physical growth and development

Vegetarianism adherent parents often worry that their children are not getting sufficient vital nutrients such as protein, iron, calcium and Vitamin D — usually found in meat products. In particular, children who play sports are often encouraged to go non-vegetarian to fulfill their protein needs. This is not necessary because all major nutrients can be found in vegetarian and non-vegetarian foods. In vegetarian households it’s up to parents to plan their children’s diets carefully to ensure every meal is balanced with food rich in nutrients required for orderly physical growth and development.

PW spoke with Dr. Himanshi Kashyap, a well-known paediatrician and Director of the Cheerful Child Development Centre, Gurgaon, to recommend balanced, nutritious vegetarian meals for children. Her suggestions: