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Private school fees status

Private school fees status and high court orders across Indian states

December 28, 2020
Mita Mukherjee

After schools were shut down in mid-March as a preventive measure against spread of Covid-19, private schools had been complaining of financial crisis because of unwillingness of a large section of parents to pay their children’s fees.

Most private schools depend entirely on students’ fees to run the institutions and pay the salaries to teachers and non-teaching employees. The schools had been teaching the students through online classes.   

Parents too had complained about their difficulties in paying the fees because of salary cuts, job loss and general slump in economy.

Parents’ bodies and associations of private school owners at several states moved court demanding solution to their problems.

Fees were slashed at several states following court orders. In some states fees have been reduced on the basis of state government orders while in some others the government has not intervened.

EducationWorld gives below the state-wise status of fees charged from students and latest court orders.       


Fees: Twenty-five per cent reduction in tuition fee. Fees for co-curricular activities not charged.

HC: Schools can charge only tuition fees


Fees: Thirty-percent fees reduction in tuition fees. No hike in the fee.

HC: Schools can charge 70 per cent of tuition fees. Parents can pay in three installments. No fee hike.


Fee: No fee hike.  

HC : No fee hike. Next hearing of case related to tuition fee issue in Bombay High Court in January first week.


Fee: Only tuition fee. No hike.

HC: Same as above

West Bengal

Fee: Schools charging 80 per cent of the tuition fee. No hike. No fees charged for facilities not provided to students during closure  

HC: Twenty per cent waiver of tuition fees between April 2020 and the month after schools resume physical classes. No fees for labs, sports, craft and facilities not used by students.


Fee: Some schools charging full fees under all heads. Fees are same as last year. Some schools charging enhanced fees.

HC: A case on the fee issue is pending  


Fee: Only tuition fee. Many schools offering 10 to 20 per cent concession

HC: Schools can charge full tuition fee. No permission for collecting any other fee. One case is still pending in  court. 


Fee: Only tuition fee charged as of now.

HC: Schools entitled to collect tuition fees. No hike. No annual charges. Final order pending  


Fees: Only tuition fee

HC: Schools can collect tuition fee. No upward revision till normalcy resumes.

Madhya Pradesh

Fee: Only tuition fee.

HC: Schools entitled to charge and recover tuition fee. Amount to remain same as last year.   

Tamil Nadu and Pondicherry

Fee: Twenty five per cent reduction of entire fees .

HC: Schools can charge 75 per cent of all fees. In two installments. First 40 per cent and then 35 percent.       


Fee: Most schools charging only tuition fee.

HC:  A section of schools moved court over charging development and other fees. Case still pending     


Fee: Only tuition fee

HC: Schools can collect only tuition fee 


Fees: Schools charging full fees

State government:  Schools can collect full fees but only on monthly basis


Fee: Left to school managements to decide on concessions.

No clear cut order

Uttar Pradesh

Fee: Schools charging full fees. No hike.

No order from court or government.  


Fee: Fifty-per cent waiver on all fees till June 2020. Twenty-five per cent less charged for the remaining quarters.

No order from court or government


Fee:  Fees charged as per the schools’ convenience

There is no court or government order

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