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Abnormal heart rhythm in children sign of ADHD?

Children and adolescents with abnormal heart rhythms aka cardiac arrhythmias are more likely to experience depression, anxiety and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), says a study presented at the American Heart Association’s Scientific Sessions held in Philadelphia, USA in November. The study found that children with abnormal heart rhythms are nine times more likely to be diagnosed or treated for anxiety and depression and almost five times more likely to be diagnosed or treated for ADHD, compared to children free of identified chronic diseases. Researchers analysed the records of more than 250,000 children admitted to or examined in the emergency room of Texas Children’s Hospital from 2011-2016. “20 percent of children with abnormal heart rhythms, congenital heart disease and cystic fibrosis were diagnosed with or prescribed medication for depression and/or anxiety, compared with 3 percent of the control group,” says lead author Keila N. Lopez of the Baylor College of Medicine (USA). Recommended: ADHD symptoms and diagnosis Facebook Twitter LinkedIn WhatsApp
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