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Addressing children’s digestive problems

My five-year-old son suffers from constipation and indigestion. Please advise. — Kyra Agarwal, Bengaluru You can address digestive problems in young children through dietary modifications. My suggestions: Fibre-rich foods. Include fibre-rich foods such as whole grains, fruits, and vegetables in your child’s diet. Fibre prevents constipation. Avoid overeating. Ensure she doesn’t overeat during meals. Portion control is important, especially in early childhood. Overeating leads to indigestion. Chew food properly. Encourage her to chew food thoroughly. Proper chewing reduces the risk of indigestion. Limit sugary and fatty foods. Excessive consumption of sugary and fatty foods contributes to indigestion. Hydration. Ensure she drinks water regularly. Adequate hydration prevents constipation. Regular meal schedule. Establish a consistent meal schedule with regular meal times. This regulates the digestive system and prevents overeating. Consult a paediatrician. If indigestion continues to be a problem, consult a pediatrician who will provide specific recommendations. My two-year-old daughter was born prematurely at 32 weeks. As a result, her digestive system is weak. How can I improve her digestion? — Kiara Shinde, Mumbai Start by adding natural fibre and probiotics to her diet. Incorporate yogurt with live active cultures or other probiotic-rich foods into her diet. Probiotics aid digestion. Also, ensure she drinks adequate water every day and is physically active – necessary for good metabolism. My seven-year-old son is allergic to dairy products which are a good source of calcium. Can you please suggest substitutes? — Meena Mathur, Delhi While dairy products are rich in calcium, there are many other calcium-rich foods. You can include the following foods in his diet: fortified soy milk, almond or coconut milk, dried figs, almonds, tofu, sweet potatoes, sesame balls and broccoli. My seven-year-old son is underweight at just 20 kg. What foods should I give him to improve his weight? We are vegetarians. — Julie Bimal, Bengaluru I suggest you include nutrient-dense foods to promote healthy weight gain. They include: Protein-rich foods such as beans, lentils, tofu, tempeh, and quinoa. Protein is essential for muscle development and overall growth. Healthy fats such as avocados, nuts, seeds, and olive oil provide additional calories and support overall growth. If he likes dairy products, offer milk, yogurt, and cheese. For plant-based options, opt for fortified soy milk, almond milk, or coconut milk. Provide nutrient-dense snacks between meals such as nut butter with whole-grain crackers, hummus with vegetable sticks, or yogurt with fruit. Offer smaller, more frequent meals and snacks throughout the day to encourage sufficient calorie consumption. Encourage regular physical exercise to build appetite and promote overall health. However, ensure his energy expenditure is balanced with adequate calorie intake for healthy weight gain. Facebook Twitter LinkedIn WhatsApp
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