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BITS Pilani Dubai Campus launches 5 Pico Satellites

May 17, 2023

Guided by former Director of Indian Space Research Organization’s Satellite Centre Dr Mylswamy Annadurai, in collaboration with UAE-based Edutech4Space, the BITS Pilani Dubai Campus (BPDC), has launched and tested 5 Pico Satellites using Drone Satellite Launch Vehicle (DSLV) at Sanad Academy, Dubai.

Drone Satellite Launch Vehicles were used to carry the satellites to an altitude of 100 meters.

This effort marks a significant first step towards Project MAHASAT. The Pico Satellites have started transmitting real time data of temperature, humidity, pressure, air quality, UV intensity, and orientation.

The data were projected on a large smart board for the visitors, giving them the ambience of a mission control centre.

A team of 30 undergraduate students from BPDC studying in diverse streams such as Electronics Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Computer Science, Biotechnology etc came together and managed to launch the Pico Satellites within 6 weeks of the announcement of Project MAHASAT.

Dr Annadurai said, “With the emergence of advancements in space technology, availability of trained manpower is going to be crucial. A very concrete academic plan has been devised wherein students of BPDC will be trained to make significant contributions in the field of Space technology of UAE and India. The university will also have its own Ground Station in near future which will enable students to communicate with their satellites, collect data, analyse it, and create predictions on weather, pollution levels, disaster management etc.”

Dr Srinivasan Madapusi, Director of BPDC said, “Pico Satellites are the future of space exploration, and they’re already making waves in the classrooms across the world. While their low cost and relatively quick turnaround time makes them invaluable from an education perspective, they also have the power to engage students in a project from its initial paper design to building and testing to launch. Further, this is an excellent training ground for developing interdisciplinary skills and systems level thinking that are critical for the future”.

Hansa Kannan, 1st year Biotech Engineering student of BPDC said “During the span of six weeks, I have been immersed in a realm of science that has completely transformed my perspective. It has been an incredible journey, and I am truly grateful to BPDC for igniting my passion and providing me with invaluable guidance to pursue my aspirations and dreams.”


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