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CISCE announces reduction in ICSE ISC syllabi

CISCE announces further reduction in ICSE and ISC syllabi

July 10, 2021
-Mita Mukherjee

The Council for Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE) has reduced the syllabi of 15 ICSE and 12 ISC subjects.

The reduced syllabi have been posted on the CISCE website under the publication section.  

On July 2 the Council had reduced the syllabi of English and Indian languages for students who will take the ICSE and ISC examinations in 2022.

In addition to English and Indian languages, the syllabi of the subjects that have been reduced at the ICSE level include history and civics, geography, mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, economics, commercial studies, computer applications, economic applications, commercial applications, home science, physical education and yoga.

At the ISC level, apart from English and Indian languages the syllabi of accounts, commerce, economics, business studies, history, political science, geography, sociology, psychology, computer science, biotechnology and environmental science have been curtailed.

“The CISCE will continue with the process of syllabi reduction in the remaining subjects at the ICSE and ISC levels, in consultation with the subject experts. The same will be made available on the CISCE  website soon,” said  Gerry Arathoon, secretary and chief executive of CISCE in a circular issued to heads all schools on Friday evening.

 The circular further said that the “Project work already completed/initiated by the candidates in different subject/s, on topics which have been removed from the syllabus, is to be accepted and marked.”

The council has reiterated that the subject teachers should teach the subjects strictly following the sequence of topics given in the syllabi. “This will ensure that all CISCE affiliated schools are broadly teaching the same topics at any given point of time as well as facilitate subsequent reduction in syllabus, if required.”

Also read: 

Reduction in ICSE-ISC syllabus for 2022 board exams

Question papers of cancelled ICSE and ISC exams to be sent to schools

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