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Colombia: Sustainable higher education debate

EducationWorld May 12 | EducationWorld International News

In November, 600,000 Colombian students walked out of lectures in protest at what they saw as the increasing privatisation of higher education in the country. Their action prompted the government to back down from plans to reform Law 30, enacted in 1992, which among other things accords higher education in the country the status of a public service. According to Andy Higginbottom, principal lecturer in international politics and human rights at Kingston University, the reforms would have “effectively (privatised) the remaining public sector aspects of higher education” in Colombia.

But having noted the students’ campaign, which was supported by a number of academics, the government has now relaxed its stance and will enter into talks with the Colombian public, including students and educators. Colombians can now contribute to the reform process by posting their views on a consultation website. President Juan Manuel Santos’ government hopes this will address a crucial grievance behind the walkout: a feeling among protesters that the reform process is undemocratic as it lacks public discussion — particularly with students. The principles now up for debate are: the requirement that all Colombians should have equal access to higher education no matter what their background; the assurance of education quality and relevance; regional equity; and financial and institutional stability.

These issues were also on the agenda in February when 32 university presidents met at the National University of Colombia’s Medellin campus to discuss how they could help to draft a reform bill that would focus primarily on students. Pressure group Justice for Colombia estimates that public funding for universities had dropped from 84 percent to 51 percent of the education budget.

In spite of the government’s offer of dialogue, the group accuses President Santos of fudging the difference between education as a service and as a human right. The government’s decision to put its controversial reform programme on hold and engage its critics suggests it is listening to its opponents. But students and academics sympathetic to opposition concerns are withholding judgement until they find out what happens once the consultation process has concluded.

(Excerpted and adapted from Times Higher Education)

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