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Coping with food allergies

ParentsWorld December 2021 | Ask the Doctor Parents World

My eight-year-old son complains of stomach pain after eating biscuits or cake. Otherwise, he has no stomach trouble. He is a healthy child with normal eating habits. Could he be allergic to some food ingredients?
— Mouna Mondal, Kolkata

Packaged biscuits and cakes contain refined wheat flour (maida), preservatives and artificial colouring. Preservatives cause allergy in some people while maida is unhealthy. It is best to avoid them or consume sparingly. If your son complains of abdominal pain after eating wheat and wheat products, it’s advisable to test for gluten allergy. I recommend you restrict consumption of bakery products and check if the symptoms still persist. If they do, consult your pediatrician.

My ten-year-old daughter drinks coffee with us every day. It is a morning habit in our home, and we let her too have her morning cuppa. I know most children have milk and/or other health drinks in the morning. Is coffee harmful for young children?
— Roma Varma, Mumbai

It is best to avoid beverages such as coffee and tea for children as they can become addictive. Both contain caffeine, a stimulant. Instead your daughter should drink plain milk with jaggery or a little sugar. Packaged health drinks are loaded with sugar so avoid them or choose one with low sugar content. You can supplement her diet by including dairy products such as cottage cheese, paneer, ghee, and yogurt. A balanced diet which provides carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins and minerals is important for a child’s orderly physical growth and development.

My son has gained 6 kg weight in the past one year. He is seven years old and weighs 30 kg. With primary schools still to reopen, he gets hardly any physical exercise. Also he has become used to eating junk food and spending long hours playing computer games. Because of the Covid-19 infection scare, I am hesitant about sending him to play in our apartment play area. Should I worry about his health?
— Radha Ghosh, Kolkata

Weight gain of 6 kg in one year isn’t healthy especially since you say he has been consuming a lot of junk food. So, the first step is to cut down on junk food consumption and encourage him to engage in physical exercise or yoga. Moreover you should allow him to play outdoors, especially in sunlight while advising him to follow Covid appropriate behaviour such as masking, social distancing, and hand hygiene. It is very important that you closely monitor your child’s diet and exercise regimen.

(Dr. Yogesh Kumar Gupta is head of the Paediatric Intensive Care Unit, Fortis Hospitals, Bannerghatta Road, Bengaluru)

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