Jobs in Education System

Eduleader Bytes: RJ Bhuvanesh

EducationWorld June 14 | EducationWorld Eduleader Bytes

R.J. Bhuvanesh, CEO, Kaligi Ranganathan Montford Group of Schools, Chennai

Are you satisfied with the importance given to education on the national development agenda?
No. Education should be given top priority. It™s the best prescription for vaulting India into its next golden age.
How best to upgrade government schools?
Equal emphasis on infrastructure/resources development, teacher training and curriculum reform. All three must happen simultaneously.
Thinker/philosopher you admire most.
Napolean Hill who said: œGoing the extra mile turns the spotlight on you and keeps it there.
Your favourite Nobel laureate.
Sir C.V. Raman.
Your leadership style.
Facilitative and participative. To empower people to prepare for a  prosperous future.
Your favourite book on education.
The Third Teacher by Italian teacher and psychologist  Loris Malaguzzi.
For or against the RTE Act™s 25 percent reservation for underprivileged children in private  schools?
It™s  a populist measure of  the previous government.  Under our own Institutional Social
Responsibility programme, we have been providing education to the downtrodden for many years.
Should education outlay be doubled by cutting defence expenditure?
No. Education and defence are the two eyes of the nation.
How satisfied are you with the progress of the Kaligi Ranganathan Montford Group of  schools?
Quite satisfied. KRM school students are moving forward to carpe diem (œseize the future).
Pessimistic or optimistic about Indian education?
Optimistic. I believe we are moving towards an innovative and illustrious age of education for all sections of society.

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