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Effective parenting in the ever-changing world

Parenting is one of the most tedious task in today’s demanding ever-changing world. It is becoming all the more difficult for us as parents to keep pace with our growing, smart and aware kids. As kids I remember my mother being always worried about how ignorant I was about my surroundings and it goes without saying that the whole situation has taken a U-turn. Today the precarious times have threatened us in many ways so our impending need to turn these ominous times into propitious ones all the suggestions seem welcoming. Few of them are:   Become Good Listeners: As parents, we sometimes unknowingly ignore what our child wants to convey to us. The message can be verbal or non-verbal. We can judge the gravity of the situation only by paying attention and listening.  It is through these incoherent talks, that we are able to gauge the likes and dislikes, their talents and also their feelings. Become Role Models Our kids are what we show them to be. We are always worried about our kids learning something unpleasant but what we fail to acknowledge is the fact that we are the primary teachers for our toddlers. They tend to learn from us, “Good” or “bad”. The kids are curious by nature. They try and imitate sometimes in front of us and sometimes in front of others creating a difficult situation for us. Be Appreciative It is human tendency to get noticed or get appreciated and they are just the little ones. A slight motivation would allow them to try for bigger and better goals. A hint of acknowledging their efforts would set a spark in them to put in their best of efforts. Spend Quality Time This point should definitely top the list however agreeing to the time crunches faced by us in today’s world, this would be a sight of relief. Just spending time is totally different to spending quality time with your kids. Being with them and doing your work cannot be termed as spending time with them. Try to spend some time where they control your activities. Play with them, laugh with them and above all listen to them. Set a Well-Planned time table for them. It has gone crucial for us as parents to set a decent time table for our kids where they get ample time for their day to day activities, play time and most importantly proper sleep. Sleep plays a dominant role in development (both physical and mental) of a child and they should not be deprived of the same. Discipline You as a parent, as their teacher or as their well-wishers have to teach them to be disciplined. Remember success will knock at your door only if you are disciplined and consistent with your efforts. Animosity towards their behavior would beckon for an unruly, undisciplined child. Set the rules and see to it that they are followed. “No using mobile while on dinner table”, “No TV until homework is completed” or “a
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