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EW India School Rankings 2021-22 (Part 2)

EducationWorld November 2021 | Cover Story Magazine
In this edition, we present Part II of EWISR 2021-22 featuring league tables rating and ranking the country’s most reputed Boarding Schools (co-ed, girls and boys), International Schools (day, day-cum-boarding and fully residential) and also the most respected Budget Private Schools – Dilip Thakore & Summiya Yasmeen Conceptualised and launched in 2007, the annual EducationWorld India School Rankings (EWISR) survey has since evolved into the world’s largest primary-secondary schools ratings and ranking initiative. Prior to the introduction of EWISR, schools ranking surveys abroad used to rank schools under one solitary parameter — academic excellence — measured by way of students’ average scores in school-leaving exams conducted by government or respected examination boards such as Cambridge International (UK), International Baccalaureate (Europe), SAT and College Board (USA) and gaokao (China). Ab initio, we believed — and continue to believe — that education should be a holistic, balanced and enjoyable learning experience for children. Therefore every year, EWISR rates India’s most well-reputed primary-secondary schools on 14 parameters of excellence, including teacher welfare and development, teacher competence, infrastructure, co-curricular and sports education, parental involvement, academic reputation, curriculum and pedagogy, internationalism, among several other parameters. In this pandemic year 2021-22, we have added two important parameters for assessing institutional excellence, viz, online education effectiveness, and mental and emotional well-being services provided by school managements. For this annual exercise, over 11,000 sample respondents including eminent educators, principals, teachers, parents and senior school students are interviewed by over 100 field personnel of our reliable partner, the Delhi-based Centre for Forecasting & Research Pvt. Ltd (C fore, estb.2000), the well-known nationally reputed market research and opinion polls company. They are asked to rate schools in their zones/region under each parameter on a scale of 1-100 with the critical parameter of teacher competence accorded double weightage. The scores awarded to schools under each parameter by the sample respondents are totalled and schools are ranked nationally, in states and cities. The objective of this annual exercise is to enable parents to choose the most convenient and aptitudinally suitable school for their children. To facilitate choice of this life-shaping institution, schools are ranked in 14 separate and distinct categories such as co-ed day, day-cum-boarding, all-boys and exclusively girls schools, legacy boarding co-ed, boys and girls schools and international schools (day, day-cum-boarding and fully residential). This is to avoid falling into the trap of making apples and oranges type comparisons. As mentioned above over the past 14 years since the annual EWISR was somewhat tentatively launched, it has evolved into the world’s largest primary-secondary schools ranking survey that evaluates the relative strengths and weaknesses of over 3,000 most reputed schools in India. Last month (November) in our 280-pages, 22nd Anniversary issue, we presented Part I of EWISR 2021-22 featuring comprehensive league tables rating and ranking Day (co-ed, all-boys and girls), Day-cum-boarding, Government (day and boarding) and Special Needs schools. Now in Part II of EWISR 2021-22, we present detailed league tables rating India’s best Boarding (co-ed, all-girls and boys) schools — some
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