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ParentsWorld September 2020 | Kidzone

Hey, Guys!

I still remember shedding a few tears for the dyslexic hero of the movie Taare Zameen Par and rocking with laughter on my bean bag while watching Baby’s Day Out. Whether it’s animated cinema, children’s classics, or humour, a good movie can linger in the memory for years. I’m sure all of you have your own list of favourites.

Thousands of movies are churned out every year. Thankfully, some of them are children’s films.

By choosing the right movie, you can give yourself a memorable entertainment experience every time. You can enter a new world, where you can share the sentiment of the characters, and cry or rejoice with them.

In this issue, the spotlight is on children’s films/movies.

Idea BOX

Movie Mania

Stephanie Daniel

Are you a film buff? Here’s some advice about choosing suitable movies to enjoy them better.

1. Select movies based on novels. It’s more fun watching storybook characters come alive. Try reading the book before or after you watch the film and discuss which you like better.
2. If you are the type who loves to catch up on the latest flicks, sit down and review the movies you watch. Try to be objective and analyse different aspects of the movie like cinematography, story, acting, music, etc.
You could even cash in on your hobby by getting your reviews published on websites, in magazines or newspapers. Or, just post your review on your blog.
3. Start a movie library and exchange CDs/DVDs with friends. However best to avoid pirated CDs.
4. Produce your own movie! Start by writing a play with dialogues. Rope in your friends, set up the background, practice well, and shoot the entire movie on your phone camera. Invite friends and family to watch it.
5. Get some friends together and organize a trip to a film studio. You may need a recommendation letter, but the visit will be worth it.
6. Build a film set. Try and recreate a market scene or a bus stand using cardboard boxes. Stage a play and invite adults over for a small fee (to cover the cost of the sets).
7. Read the history of films, and you will come across names of outstanding classics. Try to rent them and see what people enjoyed watching over the years. Don’t miss Charlie Chaplin’s comedies!

You could even compile your own book on the history of films. But make sure you watch the major ones you write about! Sit down with family or friends to watch a well-selected movie on a sunny afternoon with a large bowl of popcorn and some fruit juices!

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