If theres something you always dreamt of doing, this is the time to start! Taking the initiative and working on your dreams can help you do something special. It could be a skill you want to learn, a cause you want to spread awareness about, or a way to help others. Start a project close to your heart. Heres how you can get it going.
Get a clear idea of what you want to do by trying to express it in one sentence, For example, ‘Collect funds to help poor students buy books or ‘Start a childrens library.
Next, think of at least 30 different ideas to help you put your plan into action. List them out. Then look over the list and choose the practical ones.
Next, list the resources you would need. You may need a room, certain objects, money or people to help you.
Once you know what you need, think of three ways to meet each need, and write them next to the item on the list.
What are the obstacles you are likely to encounter? List them out, and think of ideas to help you overcome them.
With all the ideas you have, write a clear project plan, outlining exactly how you can get your project in action. Make sure you include small details too.
Now you are all set to get going! Dont be discouraged if things dont go as you expect. You can figure out a way to sort out whatever problems you encounter. Be ready to modify your plan if needed.
Get ideas from family and friends. Ask others for help, and keep working on your project. Stay focussed and dont give up! Youre sure to find that your project has enriched your life! Tell us about it at [email protected]