Challenging to manage new-borns I am mother to a one-year-old baby girl. Your story on the importance of sleep in infancy was an eye-opener (PW November). It’s amazing to learn that it’s during sleep that crucial brain and physical development happens. Your suggestions to improve infants’ sleep were excellent. As a new mom, I am struggling to make sense of the rapid changes happening in the early years. Also it’s very challenging to comfort infants when they are unwell. Please publish more stories about how parents should manage new-borns especially in terms of health and well-being. Simi Deepak Mumbai Timely & relevant advice I have always believed that the Indian education system kills children’s creativity. Your cover story ‘Unlocking children’s inherent creativity’ (PW November) confirmed this line of thought. In our schools, rote learning for exams is given highest priority. From a young age our children are forced to accept that the right answer is the one that is written in the textbook and/or told by the teacher. If you think originally, you are penalised. Some schools are trying to change this by adopting learning-by-doing teaching methods. But the change is too slow and gradual. That’s why your cover story advising parents to get actively involved in unlocking children’s inherent creativity is timely and relevant. Parents need to take the lead to create a home environment which encourages creative thinking in children. Meena Iyer Chennai Inspiring example Thanks for an interesting cover story on unlocking children’s inherent creativity (PW November). I was especially inspired by the story of Andaman-based inventor Dipankar Das who began making toys from mud when he was in class I and has gone on to invent several innovative products such as a solar pulse thresher and deep freeze device for fishermen. It’s commendable that Das has used his talent to invent products to simplify the lives of local farmers and fishermen. Our children need to read similar inspiring stories of young people who are making a difference to the world. Meenakshi Rajan Bengaluru Online safety information need Thanks for the essay ‘Protecting tweens from sexual abuse’ (PW November). It had some useful advice on how parents should balance child safety and independence and the importance of honest discussions with tweens about child sexual abuse. Though the authors also touched upon online safety, I believe because the internet and social media are ubiquitous today, you need to do a separate in-depth story. Parents need to know more about the dangers of dating apps and websites. Children especially tweens are very vulnerable to sexual predators prowling the dark worldwide web. Installing and activating child protective software is very important. Divya Tripathi Delhi Recipes suggestions I enjoy reading (and trying) your recipes. The latest recipes featuring chickpeas were excellent. Most parents like me are at their wits ends trying to rustle up a variety of snacks which are healthy and nutritious. Some suggestions would be most welcome. Munira Dasgupta Kolkata Stamina boosting recommendations Your Health story on ‘Boosting your…