Jobs in Education System

Maya Devipujak

EducationWorld September 13 | EducationWorld Young Achiever

Maya Devipujak (18), a dyslexic girl from a BPL (below poverty line) family, has become a celebrity in Mehsana (pop. 184,133), Gujarat.  She was a member of the Indian floor hockey (a seven-a-side hockey played on basketball courts with a puck instead of ball) team which bagged the gold medal in the 10th Special Olympics World Winter Games staged in Pyeongchang, South Korea, between January 29-February 5. In recognition of her achievement notwithstanding adverse circumstances, the Gujarat  government recently awarded her a purse of Rs.2 lakh and the Mata Yashoda Award with a cash prize of Rs.5 lakh. Moreover, even the socially disadvantaged Devipujak community chipped in with an award of Rs.15,000.

Mayas achievement is especially inspiring because she had to simultaneously meet the twin challenges of acute poverty and disability. Her family of five reside in a one-room home and survives on an income of Rs.100 per day earned by her mother Kamuben, a groceries vendor and sole bread winner of the household. Nevertheless, she staunchly supports her daughters efforts to develop her playing skills. I am very grateful to the Khodiyar Education Trust (KET) and the school management, and particularly her coach Varsha Bhatt for developing her game and nurturing my daughter, says an elated Kamuben.

However, with the India team striking gold at the Pyeongchang Special Olympics and the glowing encomiums Maya has received in Gujarat as a star player of the winning team, the familys fortunes are set to change dramatically. With the prize money I hope to purchase a home with electricity and a colour television set for my family. The district administration has promised to help with the allotment of a site on which we will construct our new home. This is a dream of my mother I am determined to fulfill, says Maya.

Also read: Investing in your child’s sports education

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