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Online parenting Summit (OPS) 2021 elaborates on various methods of parenting, a celebration of parenthood. The summit helps to reboot parenting and develop a friendly relationship between parents and their children. The concept of OPS is to create an impact on parents and their parenting styles. OPS aims to touch the universe and beyond, impact every generation that may come further. Until now, people practiced parenting in their own traditional ways but OPS tries to bring in modern ways in which one can make parenting experience much more fun yet unique.

Here is the story of Nalini Zinu, mother of Shraddha Zinu, who talks about her journey as a parent.


My name Is Nalini and I have a 15-months-old daughter Shraddha. Every single day is a challenge with my toddler. Becoming a mother for the first time brings in lots of complexities and doubts, but my parenting style has kept me in a better position. I gave birth to my baby in the pandemic which changed the dynamics. Although Covid-19 has brought lots of negativity, we needed to keep a cool mind as it was necessity.

I have noticed that she needs my attention all the time. I would never punish my child for making mistakes because people make mistakes and you need to give them space to improve. No one is perfect and punishing them can just create a negative impact on them. I do not want to bring in the feeling of hatred by punishing them. They can lead a happy life, free from all the stress and pressure.

At this point in time, being a mom makes me proud because I am being able to do a full-time IT job along with the nurturing my child. I am training her the right way and even following my passion, which is challenging. We share a very sweet relationship and there is lot more to come.

I was not a part of the summit last year and would love to see what the Online parenting summit comes up with this time. The main motive of attending this summit is to learn how I can manage both my roles so that I can devote plenty of time with my daughter. I want her to have the best childhood so that she can cherish it for life.

If you are too interested in being a part of the summit, register yourself here:

The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed in the article are personal, and not necessarily reflect the views, thoughts, and opinions of EducationWorld.

Also Read:Online Parenting Summit, parent success story: Shaheen Budani

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