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Readjusting to Normative schooling

ParentsWorld June 2023 | Parents Corner Parents World

PW invited parents of Glendale Academy, Hyderabad to share insights on how the school helped their children readjust to normative schooling

WhatsApp Image 2023-06-04 at 14.56.36“The past year came with a new set of challenges when my daughter Zunaira Fatima (class X) returned to school after two years of pandemic-induced schools shutdown and online classes. Glendale Academy has done commendable work in providing the support parents and children needed to help tide over the transition from online to physical classes. The Glen Care team, set up for addressing any concerns and assistance, made life much easier for parents. Moreover cultural shows, hobby classes, Glen Run, Farm Day apart from professional sports coaching after a two-year break, soon became days to look forward to.” — Sheeza Sharmeen, homemaker


WhatsApp Image 2023-06-07 at 11.26.11“When Covid hit India two years ago, children, teachers and parents had severe difficulty coming to terms with the sudden switch to online teaching-learning. However, I must acknowledge the efforts of the teachers of my daughter Mahira (class II) and son Viyom (LKG) who gradually made them feel at home after they returned to school for physical classes. It was certainly not easy for them to adapt to offline learning quickly. But thanks to the introduction of engaging activities, the atmosphere in the classroom became much lighter and our children learnt to re-adapt” — Kanika Mongia, actress/homemaker


WhatsApp Image 2023-06-06 at 22.06.34“After almost 24 months of remote learning, return to physical school for my son Yatharth (class VIII) felt like a burst of life-giving oxygen. The joy of walking down the school halls, meeting friends, lively interactions with teachers and playing sports and games instantly raised his spirits, efficiency and productivity. With the continuous support of his teachers, my son is now able to give his best in academics as well as sports.” — Anusha Veluswamy, author, architect and publisher


WhatsApp Image 2023-06-06 at 15.25.38 (1)“Over the past year, my daughter Rabhya (class VI) has seamlessly readjusted to normal school. This can be attributed to Glendale’s innovative programs and initiatives that have encouraged her holistic development and self-expression. One major factor has been the Passion Project which allowed her to explore her interests and pursue creative endeavours. Rabhya’s project presentation to her teachers boosted her self-confidence and communication skills. Additionally, she participated in the ‘Leader in Me’ initiative, which instilled a deep sense of responsibility and collaboration in her” — Dr. Sumedha Verma, diabetologist, AED Hospital, Hyderabad

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