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Shocking omission

EducationWorld January 15 | EducationWorld
I am surprised and shocked the EW Mumbai Preschool Rankings 2014 (EW December) has omitted to include EuroKids, Lokhandwala. I hope you™re aware that in all your previous preschool rankings, EuroKids, Lokhandwala has consistently featured in the league table of the Top 10 preschools in Mumbai. Few months ago, Rajesh Gupta of C fore, the agency which conducts the EW Preschool Rankings, visited us and opined that our infrastructure and teaching staff were one of the best in Mumbai. Thereafter, he requested us to send a detailed write-up on the school, which we readily obliged through email. We are at a loss to understand why our school has not been included in the EW Mumbai Preschool Rankings 2014 league table. We would appreciate if you let us know of our shortcomings if any, so we can take corrective action if required. Priya Mittal Principal, EuroKids, Lokhandwala Mumbai C fore™s CEO Premchand Palety writes: œThis year EuroKids, Lokhandwala was not ranked among the Top 20 by the sample respondents. Moreover, the rankings are not based on perceptions of C fore representatives, but on the perceptions of sample respondents. Factual error I am a subscriber of EducationWorld. The magazine is very informative and interesting. I must congratulate you on this outstanding magazine with excellent production values. It feels good that our preschool Montessori Bal Nilaya, Lake Gardens, is ranked #4 in the EW Kolkata Preschool Rankings 2014 (EW December). However, I™d like to bring to your notice that on page 64, there™s a factual error. I was not œpersonally trained by Dr. Maria Montessori as reported by your Kolkata correspondent. I received training from Albert Joosten, who was Dr. Maria Montessori™s representative and head of the Indian 2Montessori Training Centre from 1949-1980. In 1963, Mario Montessori, Dr. Maria Montessori™s son who was in charge of AMI (Association Montessori Internationale), visited Bal Nilaya. Unfortunately, I never met Dr. Maria Montessori as she died in 1952, a year before I was born. I would appreciate your publishing a corrigendum. Kusum Bhandari Principal Montessori Bal Nilaya, Kolkata Spotlight govt schools I have been reading EducationWorld for about ten years and appreciate your efforts towards improving education in the country. Although your EW India School Rankings are a great idea, I think it™s time to focus on government schools. We need to bring their infirmities to light and expose the laxity of various government agencies in managing and operating them. When I visit government schools in Bihar, I feel miserable. Crores of rupees have been wasted on ICT in schools. Computers are installed in schools where there are no teachers! I am told model government schools are being built, but where are the students? Most of them are attending private schools. EducationWorld needs to address these issues and suggest ways to resolve them. Col. Prem Prakash Patna Unconvincing ranking We were surprised to see that in your EW India School Rankings 2014 (September), there was no mention of South Point High School in any category. Against
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