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SRM AP students win laurels in Developer Week Hackathon

March 1, 2019

A group of five SRM University – AP, Amaravati students, who are currently on a Semester Abroad Programme with the University of California, Berkeley, won the Developer Week Hackathon hosted recently in San Francisco, California. Developer Week Hackathon is the one of the world’s largest challenge driven hackathons.

The SRM AP team developed a Blockchain based game that incentivises people to buy products. They built an Ethereum based card trading game for shoppers. The game attracts shoppers to buy more products and help sellers to get greater consumer attention. The team incorporated Agoraio’s chatting platform in the game which was liked by the Agoraio developers. They were awarded the first prize for this feature and a bounty prize of $1000 from Agoraio.

The SRM AP team comprised of five students: 4 from Computer Science Engineering, and 1 from Electronic and Communication Engineering. They were Koushik Bhargav Muthe, Saptarshi Mazumder, Rajarshi Mazumder, Agniswar Paul, and Souradeep Das.

“SRM AP focuses on offering the best opportunities for the growth of the students, so that they develop not just as professionals but as concerned global citizens. It is a proud moment for a university as young as ours, wherein our students are already causing ripples on the global stage and winning accolades. The semester abroad programme offers our students global exposure and mentoring,” says Dr. Jamshed Bharucha, vice chancellor, SRM University AP.

Koushik Bhargav Muthe also led another team that was amongst the top 5 teams at the overall Hackathon that witnessed participation from 150 teams and also stood first for the “best blockchain utility Hack” giving them a bounty of $500 from Near Protocol. This team made a blockchain based contract system for making corporate or social contracts over a blockchain. In this, you enter your contract and the details with the other party you are having a contract with and then both the parties receive an email to accept or reject. Once both the parties accept then an entry on the blockchain is made and since blockchain is immutable the contract can be recovered anytime.

SRM University, AP – Amaravati strives to emerge as a world-class university in creating and disseminating knowledge and providing students a unique learning experience in their chosen field of scholarship that would best serve the society. For more information, please visit

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