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Useful parenting guides

Check out these insightful books which present new ways of thinking to make parenting easier, meaningful and rewarding – Cynthia John THE EXPLOSIVE CHILD: A NEW APPROACH FOR UNDERSTANDING AND PARENTING ASILY FRUSTRATED, CHRONICALLY INFLEXIBLE CHILDREN BY ROSS W. GREENE Publisher: Harper Paperbacks, Price: Rs.499 Parenting can become an uphill task if your child is prone to throwing temper tantrums and displaying ‘explosive’ behaviour. Angry children are often labelled as adamant, stubborn, and troublesome. This book helps parents understand why some children behave aggressively, and the importance of taking a compassionate approach and supporting children to control their emotions. Author Ross Greene, an American psychologist well-known for his pioneering work in child development, provides neuroscience-based insights to enable parents to understand child behaviour. He provides proactive solutions to help parents support ‘explosive’ children. Highly recommend this practical and useful handbook for parents struggling with parenting easily frustrated and chronically inflexible children. HOW TO TALK YO KIDS SO KIDS WILL LISTEN AND LISTEN SO KIDS WILL TALK BY ADELE FABER AND ELAINE MAZLISH Publisher: Piccadilly Press, Price: Rs. 499 This app improves children’s vocabulary through word games. It comprises over 100 games to improve children’s spelling and vocabulary through animations and phonics. Its interactive activities and games reward children for correct answers. New words are introduced via colorful images, making it easy to remember complex spellings. Memory retention is encouraged through motivational reactions to right answers. Moreover, this app teaches the fundamentals of sentence construction and introduces grammar basics such as adjectives and prepositions. THE WHOLE-BRAIN CHILD: 12 REVOLUTIONARY STRATEGIES TO NURTURE YOUR CHILD’S DEVELOPING MIND BY DANIEL  J J SIEGEL  AND TINA  PAYNE  BRYSON Publisher: Bantam, Price: Rs.799 This book by bestselling authors of No Drama Discipline and The Yes Brain, neuroscientist Daniel J.J. Siegel and parenting expert Tina Payne Bryson provides parents insights into how a child’s brain works, and ways and means to foster healthy brain development. Relying on pathbreaking neuroscience research, the authors outline strategies to effectively turn difficult situations, tantrums and mood swings into learning opportunities, to enable children to grow into happy, calm and confident adults. The book is generously peppered with illustrations and is an excellent practical guide on child rearing based on latest neuroscience research. Facebook Twitter LinkedIn WhatsApp
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