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Vista International School: Preparing children to ‘learn for life’

EducationWorld August 2022 | Spotlight Feature
– Mary Shanti Priya, Principal, Vista International School, Hyderabad

Teaching is a noble profession. No, let’s rephrase that: Teaching is a noble calling – one that requires dedication, commitment and untiring diligence. If one is even remotely connected to the world of education, be it as an educator, an administrator of an educational institute or even someone making policies related to education, “teaching is more than a profession” is something they have heard often. But how many believe it strongly enough to make this adage the beacon that leads them as they traverse the world of education? How many can take a pause from their busy schedules and never-ending deadlines and recall, once more, why they chose this calling – this extremely demanding, all-consuming calling?

Vista International School realises that unless those who are responsible to ‘raise and groom’ do not stay true to their commitment, the vision that was once strong and vibrant, loses both its intensity and its flavour. Dream is abundant, dream is consistent – the will to fight to keep that dream alive is sporadic. Therefore, it is important to adopt the attitude to ‘learn for life’. Learning for Life – the motto of VIS, encompasses not just the learners, but everyone under its wings – educators and management included. The will to keep learning, the will to keep growing and the will to keep striving for perfection is what sets the school apart. The ancient Greek philosopher Heraclitus had famously said, ‘The only constant is change’. At Vista, we live by it. And while we put in our efforts without expecting accolades, it does boost our confidence when our dedication and commitment is noticed and valued. 


Vista International School is the proud recipient of two extremely prestigious awards at the 24th World Education Summit and Awards hosted by ELETS Technomedia. The school was recognised for its ‘Excellence in Co-Curricular Activities’ and for ‘Excellence in Innovative Academic Practices’. These awards serve as a testament to our relentless pursuit to provide the best guidance and holistic growth environment for our students. At Vista, we do not relentlessly pursue marks – we build character. We build leaders and nurture visionaries who are capable of catalysing positive transformation in the world. And while we recognise the rigours demanded by the modern education system and the toll it can take on the developing mind, we strive to inculcate the values of compassion and empathy in our learners so that along with success, there is also humanity. 

The journey ahead is long and the day is young for Vista International School. The progress that the school has made during the first decade since its inception is but trivial in the light of what the future holds. And as the school prepares to march forward towards growth and excellence, it still remains firmly grounded in its core philosophy – be ready to ‘learn for life’.

Also read: Vista International School: Manifesting a dream into reality

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