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Wanted: 2 As x 1000

EducationWorld September 2022 | Postscript
Despite China which was relatively underdeveloped compared to India on October 1, 1949 — when the Communist Party of China (CPC) established the People’s Republic of China (PRC) in Beijing, and Chairman Mao Zedong famously declared that “China has stood up”— having overtaken India in the global development race after it took the capitalist road under the leadership of secretary Deng Xiaoping in 1978, India’s carping lefty academics and the neta-babu brotherhood are still mired in Soviet-style socialism. The full implication of PRC’s GDP having risen to $15 billion against India’s $2.9 billion doesn’t seem to have impacted these worthies who never miss an opportunity to denigrate the country’s most successful private entrepreneurs and wealth creators, the 2 As (Ambani and Adani) in particular. The common charge against them is that they are favoured cronies of the BJP/NDA government at the Centre. Given their massive annual contribution to the public exchequer by way of direct and indirect taxes — estimated at 5-6 percent of total government revenue — and generating well-remunerated direct employment for over 500,000 citizens with huge multiplier impact on the economy, it’s unsurprising that governments of all hues and stripes accord the 2 As high respect and access. India’s neta-babu brotherhood and carping left academics haven’t understood that instead of denigrating the 2 As, they should apply their suspect wisdom to create conditions for 1,000 2 A clones to multiply and flourish within the Indian economy. Even with the PLA (People’s Liberation Army) of a prosperous and aggressive PRC threatening to redraw boundary lines along the 484-km border up north, these latter day Neros continue to sing yesteryear threnodies. Also read: Ambani-Adani 1000x wanted Facebook Twitter LinkedIn WhatsApp
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