Jobs in Education System

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EducationWorld March 11 | EducationWorld
I have a diploma in mechanical engineering and am working in a private company. I want to enrol in a BE distance learning programme. Please suggest universities which offer this option. Surjit Bedi, New Delhi You could opt for the distance engineering degree programmes offered by the Institution of Engineers (; Institution of Mechanical Engineers ( or IGNOUs open and flexible mode engineering ( degree programme. What are the career prospects of postgraduates in human rights? Neeta Mehta, Mumbai Work opportunities for human rights professionals are numer-ous. NGOs involved in human rights, civil liberties, disaster and emergency relief, child and bonded labour, drug abuse, conflict resolution and public interest litigation domains are desperate for qualified professionals. Moreover international organisations such as the United Nations, ILO, UNESCO, USAID, OXFAM, and Amnesty International also need human rights professionals. Other employment options are in correct-ional institutions dealing with juvenile delinquency and child abuse as well as in women reformation centres, prisons and homes for the under-privileged. Im a final year commerce student and keen on a career in sports manage-ment. Please recommend study programmes and career prospects. Nikhil Iyer, Chennai Although sports management is emerging as an attractive career option, there are few formal training programmes available in India. Most people involved in sports management are typically MBAs/marketing profess-ionals and allied disciplines personnel or sportspersons with deep knowledge of sports. Training in sports manage-ment is interdisciplinary as it encom-passes economics, accounting, market-ing, psychology, law and communication, with emphasis on strategic management of the sports business environment, public relations, media and event management. The Naval Tata Centre of Excellence in Sports Management, IISWBM, Kolkata (; Tamil Nadu Physical Education and Sports University, Chennai (; Lakshmibai National University of Physical Education, Gwalior (www.lnipe. and International Institute of Sports Management (IISM), Jai Hind College, Mumbai 400020 (www.iism are among institutions offering postgrad programmes in sports management. However an MBA degree is a broader qualification giving you the option of employment in other vocations if you change your mind. I want to sign up for an MBA degree programme. Please advise. Peter Colaco, Panjim A bachelors degree is the minimum eligibility requirement for an MBA programme. Moreover most B-schools in India conduct a written aptitude test followed by group discussion and personal interview to cherry pick applicants. The Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs) conduct a Common Admission Test (CAT) every November to select students for admission into the countrys 11 IIMs. Several other B-schools also admit students on the basis of CAT scores. Other popular B-school entrance tests are MHCET, XAT, MAT, IIFT, SNAP and JMET. Most B-schools abroad require students to complete at least two-three years of full-time work to qualify for admission into their MBA programmes. Can I study chartered accountancy (CA) simultaneously with my current bachelor of media studies (BMS) degree programme? Later, will I be permitted to pursue my articled clerks training while in employment? Dinesh Rao, Bangalore You can sign up for the CA study programme conterminously while pursuing your
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