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EducationWorld September 13 | EducationWorld
After completing my BA degree programme next year, I wish to pursue a career in design. I would like to know whether a specialisation in graphic or web design offers better career advan-cement. Please advise. Ranjit Bhatia, Mumbai Graphic design is the better choice as it is more versatile. As a graphic designer your work could involve layout and production of magazines, news-papers, journals, books, corporate reports and other publications. In addition, you could design promotional displays, logos, packaging and mark-eting brochures for products and services, and also design web pages and work in interactive media and multimedia projects. On the other hand, web design will restrict you to the design and development of websites for clients. Once you master graphic design, you could upgrade by signing up for a course in web design. I will graduate in commerce next year. Im interested in a career in events management. Please advise. Nalini Raman, Chennai Events management requires a flair for logistics and excellent communication skills. You could enroll in a three-year undergraduate degree programme in events management or sign up for a bachelors degree programme in mass media and top it with a diploma in events management. Both certifications are respected but an undergrad degree in mass media is preferable, as it will broaden your horizons and provide you with a sound foundation for a postgrad diploma in events management. After acquiring a B.Sc in microbiology, I want to qualify as a virologist. Which institutes offer study programmes in virology and what are job opportunities like? Ravi Krishnan, Bangalore Among the most reputed institutions offering M.Sc degree programmes in virology are the Post-Graduate Institute of Medical Education & Research (PGIMER), Chandigarh (; Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati (www.svuniversity. in); National Institute of Virology, Pune (; and University of Pune (www.unipune. You could opt for further studies in virology after graduating in microbiology. Career opportunities are in academic and industrial research (development of new drugs or vacci-nes), government and healthcare agencies, and teaching. Some virologists investigate disease outbreaks (epidemi-ologists) and work for government health departments or the World Health Organisation. Moreover, virologists can use their knowledge to pursue careers as science writers or reporters, in business, the pharmaceutical industry or patent law. Im a third year B.Sc student. I wish to study for a postgraduate degree programme at the Tata Institute of Social Sciences. Please advise about the courses offered and admission eligibility requirements. Shilpa Puri, New Delhi The Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai (a deemed university) offers full-time postgraduate degree programmes in social work, disability studies, human resources management and labour studies. Other subjects offered include globalisation and labour, social entrepreneurship, hospital administration, public health, economics and finance, public health in social epidemiology, habitat policy and practice etc. For admission into these study programmes, you need a bachelors degree or equivalent from a recognised university. Moreover, you will need to write the TISS entrance exam held simultaneously in Ahmedabad, Bang-alore, Bhopal, Bhubaneswar, Chandi-garh, Chennai, Delhi, Guwahati, Hyde-rabad, Jaipur, Kochi,…