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3 valuable Indian parenting books

ParentsWorld November 2021 | Magazine Parents World Resources

Indian parents no longer have to rely on foreign parenting books set in alien cultures for information and advice. A new genre of well-qualified indigenous psychologists and parenting professionals are authoring high-quality parenting guides suited to local Indian contexts and situations. Far more relatable in content, these books provide Indian parents useful and relevant parenting advice. Some recent releases. – Cynthia John

Active Parenting

Active Parenting

By Ram G Vallath

Publisher: HarperCollins

Price: Rs.299

Active parenting focuses on bringing out the best in a child through fulfilment of her unique personality. It advises nurturing attributes that will develop children into happy, confident and successful adults through mindful parenting. The author describes five foundational attributes that parents need to inculcate within children — social consciousness, happiness, authenticity, resilience and purposefulness (SHARP).

The book also cautions parents against micromanaging children’s lives, which is certain to restrict them from realising their potential. It advises parents to step back and allow children to learn through experience. The key to successful parenting is enabling children to mix freedom with responsibility, says the author.

All You Need is Love: The Art of Mindful Parenting

All You Need is Love: The Art of Mindful Parenting

By Shelja Sen

Publisher: HarperCollins

Price: Rs. 250

Child psychologist Shelja Sen encourages parents to introspect into their parenting motives, and examine whether they are best for children’s wholesome growth and development. Are our expectations from children sky-high? Do we make unnecessary demands on them? The book advises parents to be mindful of their thought processes and parenting practices, and change them to enable children to realise their full potential. A five-steps approach to mindful parenting is presented: connect, coach, care, community, commit. Refreshingly, the author details several real-life anecdotes to help Indian parents relate to common parenting dilemmas.

Perfect Parenting: How to Raise Happy and Successful Children

Perfect Parenting: How to Raise Happy and Successful Children

By Sushant Kalra

Publisher: Rupa

Price: Rs.295

Most people assume that parenting comes naturally to every parent. Parenting expert Sushant Kalra differs. According to him unlearning this assumption is the prerequisite of learning right ways to parent. The book explains that there is no perfect formula for successful parenting, as the situation and needs of every child differs. Identifying and addressing a child’s unique needs during the varying stages of development is a continuous and evolving process. As a child grows into adulthood, one’s parenting style also needs to change to accommodate her growth. Illustrated with endearing examples, this guidebook provides interesting insights into changing parenting behaviour to enable children to develop into emotionally balanced and confident adults.

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3 parenting guides

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