Tamil Nadu’s Christian Medical College suspended seven senior medical students after registering a complaint of ragging and sexual abuse allegedly perpetrated by them against their juniors, the college authorities said.
A first-year student posted a detailed written account on community platform Reddit delineating the entire incident of brutal ragging, particularly emphasizing on physical and sexual abuse that the freshers were facing in the men’s hostel since March.
A video of the incident recently surfaced on social media. The video shared by a Twitter user said, “Video proof of severe ragging in Christian Medical College, Vellore.”
Video proof of severe ragging in Christian Medical College, Vellore. Kindly share and expose the acts occuring here for society to know the problems in not only this institution but widespread among other medical colleges in various degrees. pic.twitter.com/si6lAGCZh0
— cmcvellorestudent (@studenxperience) November 6, 2022
The video shows that the freshers, who were just in their underwear, were paraded and sprayed with water from a fire hydrant. It also shows a senior student allegedly hitting the juniors’ private parts. From forcing them to pretend masturbation with a bottle to asking the students to rub against each other, the seniors at the college compelled them to mimic several sexual acts on each other.
The first-year student also mentioned that the seniors, who were assaulting them, were communicating using codes like “buzzing” to hit their testicles, “tuning” to inflict pain on their chest.
He also mentioned that they were forced to lie down in mud and mimic sexual intercourse, among other acts.
Besides this, he added that they are suspended upside down from the top floor of the hostel, slapped and beaten.
“We are required to strip naked at the request of seniors,” the user said, adding that they use cardboard to cover themselves.
The college authority on Wednesday asserted that a committee has been constituted to investigate the allegations. They have also added that the suspension remains valid till the end of the probe.
“We received an anonymous letter, and we are investigating.” CMC director, Dr Vikram Mathews, told reporters.
“Even though it is an anonymous letter, we have initiated an inquiry as per the rules of the land. When they submit the report, action will be taken. We don’t condone ragging in any form. We have zero tolerance to ragging. It’s alleged now. Till the enquiry is complete, they (the 7 students) have been suspended,” the director added.
Source: Outlook India
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