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Fit India School Week 2020

Fit India School Week 2020

December 22, 2020

‘How to Live’ ought to be the first pillar of formal education. This involves teaching and practicing the art of taking care of one’s body and health daily. Schools have to be the first formal institution after home where physical fitness is taught and practiced. In an attempt to promote fitness among children, Sat Paul Mittal School observed an extensive five-day virtual programme to celebrate ‘Fit India School Week’ from December 7 to 11, 2020.

The prime objective of the initiative was to bring about a behavioural change in school children from spending “Passive Screen Time” to “Active Field Time”. The week commenced with a special virtual morning assembly. Mass drill was organised to help the students increase their flexibility and muscle strength followed by an inspirational talk by the P.E facilitator, Mr. Nakul Sharma. The teachers also participated and did a rigorous yoga session combined with surya namaskar and various asanas.

Second day was dedicated to Poster Making Competition for the students of classes II – V. They created posters on the theme- “Hum Fit Toh India Fit” and uploaded them on Flipgrid. These paintings and drawings colourfully and beautifully showcased by the students gave the message that a fit body, mind and environment depend on one another. The students of Classes VI-VIII participated in various activities like Chess and Rubrik Cubes, Aerobic Dance Forms, Open Mic wherein the students expressed their thoughts and ideas on the topic- Emotional and Physical wellbeing is interconnected. For classes IX-XII, physical activities like Spot Jogging, Ball Dribbling and Push-Ups were conducted.

Virtual Fitness challenges for students and their parents, along with other fun activities were designed on third and fourth day to raise awareness and build excitement about the joy of fitness! Everyone participated enthusiastically and improved the knowledge of fitness elements. The Fit Satyan Family title was achieved by Josya Bansal of Class II-B.

The week-long Fit India School Week event culminated with a session on Health and Nutrition conducted by a renowned Dietician, Ms. Anjandeep Kaur for the junior school students and by Ms. Pooja Munjal for the senior school students.

For any society or Nation to progress, it’s important that their citizens are physically fit to fulfill the mission of awareness and implementation for an intrinsically healthy life.

Also read: Satyan Namya Joshi presented paper at ‘CONVOKE 2020’

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