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India’s Top Day Schools

EducationWorld September 13 | EducationWorld
Inevitably, the vast majority of Indias 1.40 million including 80,000 private recognised schools (200,000 according to the Union HRD ministry which enumerates primary, upper primary, secondary and higher secondary sections within a composite school as four institutions) are day schools, with an aggregate enrollment of over 200 million children. The countrys British-inspired traditional or legacy boarding and new genre international schools educate a tiny, albeit influential, percentage of the nations school-going children. Consequently, day schools dominate the EW league tables every year. This year too, 593 of the 725 primary-secondary institutions included in the EducationWorld India School Rankings survey are day schools which have been divided into the co-ed, girls, boys and a fourth category, viz, day-cum-boarding schools, defined as institutions which although predominantly day schools, also offer residential facilities. Your editors believe that division of the huge day schools league table into discrete categories facilitates fair comparison, and offers clear choices to parents searching for appropriate schools for their children. Facebook Twitter LinkedIn WhatsApp
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