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Kolkata schools shift to online classes due to soaring temperatures

April 27, 2022
Mita Mukherjee
Several schools in Kolkata have suspended in -person classes and shifted to online teaching in view of the heat wave like situation prevailing in the city over last few days.
South Point School on Tuesday suspended classes for three days and announced that classes will be held online till Friday.  A notice issued by the school to parents said that normal offline classes will resume next week if weather condition improves.
“In view of the extreme weather conditions, South Point has decided to cancel all scheduled in-school classes for students for the remainder of this week, till Friday. Classes will be held online, as per schedule being informed separately to parents. We hope the weather conditions will improve from next week to enable us to resume in-school classes from Monday,” Krishna Damani, trustee of South Point said.
In view of the rising temperature in the state, the directorate of school education has issued an advisory to district inspector of schools to shift the timings and take necessary measures to ensure good health and safety of students.
” You are aware that the entire West Bengal is going  through heat wave like condition for lack of rain for days together except in Hill areas. In the above circumstances, DI of schools ( Primary Education) are advised to take necessary steps locally, if required, to shift all day sessions in primary schools under District Primary School Council/ Primary School Council and SSKs, to morning sessions wherever needed and possible,” the government advisory said.
The district inspectors (DI)s of secondary schools too have been asked to take similar steps for secondary students  to “combat” the heat wave, in consultation with the local  health officials.
The schools, however have been advised to ensure not to comprise the intended  teaching.
The Met office in Kolkata has announced  that the hot spell that started on April 25 would continue till April 28.
Officials of several schools said they understood the government’s concern over the heatwave,  but the sudden closure will disrupt the school’s academic calendar. 
Schools in Bengal had reopened on February 3 after remaining shut for nearly two years to prevent spread of Covid 19. Many parents too are opposed to suspension of closure of schools at this stage.
Father Rodney Borneo, principal of St Augustine’s Day School, Shyamnagar said his school has suspended offline classes and shifted to online teaching from Monday.
“What is most important  is children’s health. With the temperature soaring, it  is not possible for small children to travel to school in this heat. So we have decided to keep our school closed,” Father Rodney said.
Heads of many government schools, however, said that the first summative exams scheduled to start from May 2 and they are yet to take a decision on suspensipn of classes.
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