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The Adventures of Bummy

SuperBottoms launches The Adventures of Bummy, picture book by Pearl D’Silva

November 30, 2021

SuperBottoms, a baby care business, founded by Pallavi Utagi launched a book series ‘The Adventures of Bummy,’ written by New Zealand based children’s author and early childhood education expert, Pearl D’Silva. According to the organisation’s press release the book promotes honesty, kindness & respect which SuperBottoms believes are important for kids to become balanced, well-rounded adults. SuperBottoms’ mascot, Bummy, is an adorable and friendly rabbit who through his adventures, talks about how one can help out at home and take small steps to save the planet. The press release further mentions that the book is first in the series which has 15-pages is available for pre-order only on at Rs. 149/-.

Speaking at the book launch, Pallavi Utagi, Founder, SuperBottoms, said, “SuperBottoms as a brand is built on values like Honesty & Sustainability. It’s equally important to instil right values and positive habits that will shape children’s personality during their early growing years as much as them learning their ABCs and their 123s. Also, in their formative years, children should be allowed to explore and experience the world through their innate curiosity & own senses. ‘The Adventures of Bummy’ piques curiosity on these interests.”

Commenting on her book, Pearl D’Silva, Author, The Adventures of Bummy said, “It was great collaborating with SuperBottoms to help children acquire the right values. I am deeply impressed by the commitment that SuperBottoms brought to the ideation process. They are truly invested in the parenting journey as a whole.”

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