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The New Con-Strain (Covid-19 Strain)

ParentsWorld May 2021 | Spotlight Feature



THE NEW CON-STRAIN (Covid-19 Strain) Like all viruses coronavirus keeps changing in small ways as it passes on from person to person. The mutated variants could potentially be more infectious and cause a more severe disease.

ALREADY VACCINATED! Must continue Covid-appropriate behaviour and adhere to safety precautions
COULD COVID 19 AFFECT CHILDREN? The new variant is infecting kids and infants more than the older one.

Causes – Being exposed to Covid positive people, travelling and masks worn incorrectly.

Earlier children were asymptomatic and in the second wave they come with symptoms like fever cold, dry cough, sore throat, headache congestion and running nose, loose motions, nausea and vomiting, not feeding well, fatigue, loss of appetite, itching of eyes, redness of eyes are amongst the commonly seen symptoms.

Few may have breathing difficulties and rash like any other viral fever.

We see complications like MIS-C in children which need to be addressed immediately.


If the child develops particularly the fever or other symptoms which lasts for more than a couple of days.

Early diagnosis helps in early treatment.

In case of an asymptomatic child with both parents Covid positive there is no need for RTPCR test. The child should be quarantined for 14 days and can safely be monitored at home after consulting a paediatrician.


Yes she can safely breastfeed her child. However, she must:

  • Wear a mask
  • Wash your hands thoroughly before feeding post feeding.
  • CAN give expressed breast milk .
  • Wash your hands before touching your breast pump or bottle parts.
  • NON infected person can feed the baby with expressed breast milk.
  • Avoid close contact apart from feeds.


This disease has a number of mysteries involved, compared to the usual respiratory virus. There is diminution of immunity, longterm fatigue, headaches, vertigo, difficulty with cognition, and cardio-respiratory fitness.

Lists organs that may be affected by COVID-19:

Heart: Months after recovery images show lasting damage to the heart muscle, even in those with only mild symptoms, increasing the risk of heart failure or other heart complications.

Lungs: Long-standing damage to the air sacs inside the lungs, leading to long-term breathing problems

Brain: Strokes, seizures and Guillain-Barre syndrome that causes temporary paralysis. An increased risk of developing Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease is possible.

Blood: Blood cells are likely to clump &form clots. Blood throwing such clots can affect other organs — heart the lungs, legs, liver, kidneys.

Mood disorders: post-traumatic stress disorder, depression and anxiety.

MUCORMYCOSIS SARs-covid 2 targets immune system in individuals suffering or recovering from the deadly virus. Medications and steroids in turn promote the growth of fungal infections.


HOMOEPATHY WORKS ON THE PRINCIPLE ‘LIKE CURES LIKE’, i.e, the remedy picture, must match the exact totality of the disease picture and this totality comes from the signs and symptoms of the patient which vary from person to person.

Selection of remedy depends on several factors

  • Your Symptoms
  • Life Situation
  • Stress
  • Personality
  • Causative Factors
  • Pathological Involvement
  • Physical
  • Mental Sate
  • Aggravations & Ameliorations etc

After evaluation, the doctor comes to a remedy that’s very individual to the patient. Once a customised remedy is found and administered with proper monitoring we have experience that the patient comes out of most of their illness in the shortest most gentle the fastest possible manner. A person may require a series of homeopathic remedies depending symptoms and the state of the disease.

We can surely help reduce the burdens of the hospitals drastically as many mild and moderate cases can be handled successfully at home complemented with conventional only with homeopathy.

Homeopathy can be taken for severe cases too as it aids in maintaining oxygen levels, other parameters & prevent organ damage.

There are a number of remedies that help in increasing oxygen levels naturally (without support of external oxygen) to ease out breathing difficulties for which correct medicines needto be administered keeping in mind the age and co-morbidities of the patient.

One must refrain from self-medicating and approach a qualified homeopathic doctor for the same.

Homoeopathy helps preventing Covid, during covid and handles post-covid complications WITHOUT ANY SIDE EFFECTS.

Dr. Rakhee S. Vakil DHMS (Mumbai) FCAH, Consulting Homeopath 

Also Read: Infant health troubles

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